The scream

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I get out of bed I rush to Elizabeth's door and opens it I say "Elizabeth where are you"? Elizabeth comes out of her closet she runs over to me I pick her up and asks "what's wrong sweetie"? She says to me pointing at the window "someone knocked on it".

I walk over to the window I lift the blanket up and sees no one and realizes it was storming and sees a branch knocking at the window then I say "see it's no one it's just mother nature alright". Elizabeth nods and says "I'm hungry daddy". I nod and say "come on then let's get something to eat".

I walk back into my room and sees Y/n sleeping still I walk to the door quietly and opens it I close it quietly and walks down the hall Elizabeth asks "daddy is mommy alright"? I nod not knowing what to say then she asks me "will mommy be ok"? I nod again and realizes I'm in the kitchen I open the fridge and sees leftover pizza.

I ask "Elizabeth want pizza"? She nods I set her on the counter I pull out the box I open it up and sees 6 pieces left I put two each on a plate for her and me. I pop them in the microwave till they were done I got them and put hers in front of her and I ate mine I put my dish in the sink. She was finishing her second piece and I thought of (Y/n) not waking up.

I must've thought about it for a long time because next thing I knew I saw Elizabeth standing on the counter yelling at me saying "DADDY HELLO"! I snap out of it and says "yes sweetie". She says "I'm done". I grab her plate and puts it in the sink I walk over to her and picks her up from the counter I ask her "so what you wanna do now"?

She smiles and says "I wanna watch a movie". I ask her smiling back "which one"? She says "Moana". I chuckle and says "ok Moana it is". I go into the living room I set her down on the couch I put on Moana she watches it and in the middle of it where Moanas fighting off the coconut army I hear a thud like someone fell.


You start tossing and turning all of a sudden you wake up with your eyes moving slowly open. You look around the room and sees no one in here you look next to you and sees water on the bedside table. You drink it you then go to use the restroom but half way there you fall on the floor.

You try to get up but someone picks you up bridal style you look up to see Michael your face lights up you ask "where were you"? He says "I was getting Elizabeth something to eat and she's watching Moana when I heard a thud".

You say "I drank the water over there and now my head hurts and I fell for some reason like every time I stand up it feels like I'm paralyzed or something". He takes you into the bathroom and sets you on the sink he looks into your eyes and asks "what were you doing"? You say "I have to pee". He chuckles and says "alright".

You say "ummmm I need help getting down". He sets you down you sit on the toilet quickly, he leaves and closes the door you use the bathroom you try to stand up but doesn't work you yell "MICHAEL"! He rushes in he picks you up and asks "did my darling miss me"? You smile and says "yes I did". He smiles and kisses you on the lips you kiss him as well.

He looks into your eyes and asks "how did I get so lucky having you and Elizabeth in my life"? You smile and says "I don't know but I got to have you and her in my life so I guess we both have luck". He looks at the table and says "not to change the subject but I didn't give you water".

All of a sudden you hear a mans voice say "I did". Michael turns around he puts you down but still has a hold of you, you look at the man and realizes it's Felix Michael says in Italian "uscire di casa e lasciare in pace la mia famiglia". Translation: get the fuck out of my house and leave my family alone. Felix asks in Italian "fa tua moglie sa o tua figlia per quella materia sanno quello che hai fatto"? Translation: does your wife know or your daughter for that matter do they know what you did.

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