Michael is nowhere

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You say "they're daddy's friends". Elizabeth turns her head towards the guy with the knife, the guy with the raspy voice says "that's Adriano the boss the guy you talked on the phone was me and my name is Luca". You don't say anything you stare at Elizabeth you see her still staring at Adriano you say "Elizabeth it's not nice to stare".

She turns her head around she asks "mommy are they nice"? You don't know what to say so you just nod Elizabeth asks "where's daddy did he find us"? You say "no he didn't but I'm sure he will". Elizabeth asks "where is he and why did we move that's against the rules"? You huff in frustration and says "daddy knows that's our hiding spot so we moved to a new place to where daddy won't look because where we are it's obvious to look".

Elizabeth says "oh ok". You look up your eyes catches Adriano looking at you, you look at him Adriano smirks you look away. Luca asks "so where is your husband"? You look at him pissed he says "again don't look at me that way". You put Elizabeth down you say "Go in your room I'll let you know when you come out ok". She nods and goes in her room she closes her door you turn around and look at Luca.

You say pissed "you know where my husband is your the one that told me he was gonna die if I didn't accept your little deal". Luca smiles evily and says "spout off again I dare you". You get scared your eyes tear up you say in your mind "Michael wherever you are please save me I'm scared". You ask sounding scared "where is he"? Luca says "awwwww honey your alright".

You yell "TELL ME WHERE HE IS"! Luca grins and says "naughty naughty naughty you shouldn't have done that". He walk towards you, you back up into the door and shrieks in fear all of sudden Luca stops when he hears Adriano say in French "Arrêtez de la laisser tranquille". Translation: stop leave her alone. You look at him shocked Adriano looks at you and says "your (Y/n) Michaels wife your important that little girl in there is important if you help me your husband will be alright".

You ask "what do I have to do and how are we important"? He says "kill someone for me and your importance is under classified information". You ask "who do we got to kill and what classified information"? He gets up and says "well Michael was gonna kill that boss of his he didn't get to though because we stopped it you know that whoever kills the boss is the next boss right".

You say "yes but I don't want to be a boss". He says "that's the thing if you kill him we'll say Michael killed him therefore he'll be a boss". You say "but he'll be gone more". He says "not precisely most of the work are meetings the only time he will be leaving is if he needs to kill someone other than that he's fine".

You ask "why do I have to kill the man though and your still not answering my question what classified information are you talking about"? He says "just to see some skills and the classified information is top secret". You narrow your eyes and thinks about what would be another reason for him to have you do it and what was he talking about top secret. You shake your head leaving your thoughts and asks "where is the man"? He says "outside follow me".

He walks away from the chair he walks over to the door you follow him he opens it and goes through the house with you following him you think about what Michael is doing or if he's trying to kill people you shake away the thought when you see your outside you see the boss you see he has a whip Adriano says "(Y/n) here". He throws a sword to you, you catch it you turn around and looks at the boss.

The boss says "be careful baby girl I wouldn't want something bad happen to your daughter or husband". You grip the handle like your life depends on it the boss smirks he lashes the whip at you, you dodge it and goes to the other side. He laughs and says "nice". You get pissed you run after him he lashes his whip at you, you scream in pain you stop and sees a whip lash on your arm and cut through your shirt.

You see the whip coming to you, you grab it and yells "YOU DONE MADE ME PISSED OFF"! You cut the whip in half with your sword you see him gulp you run and does a back flip behind him you then push your sword into his back making its way through his stomach. He turns around slowly with blood coming out of his mouth you back up stunned and shocked of what you just did.

He then falls to the ground on his side with blood spewing out of his mouth and body wound you then look at Adriano and says "I want my husband I did what you asked now give me him". Adriano looks at Luca and says "Attrape-le". Translation: get him. You look at the bosses dead body you put your foot on the body you take the sword out you turn around and holds it you look down seeing blood dripping off the sword you move it a couple times then you look at Adriano.

Adriano says "I'm impressed I didn't know you would do that especially with your condition". You say "you would be impressed by some of the things I do for my family". Adriano says "your a badass you just don't wanna put yourself out there why is that". You look at the ground and thinks about doing that but then you getting killed and Michael freaking out then Elizabeth freaking out as well.

You open your mouth to say something but you then hear a gunshot you walk to see what it is but Adriano says "don't it might be one of the bosses men so stay". You stop and says "my husb-". He pulls out his gun and says "shhh I got it". He walks off and disappears you stand there thinking about all the bad things that could've happened like Michael getting shot again but this time dying or he killed Luca and Adriano killing him you shake your head and snaps out of it.

You start to hyperventilate you drop the sword you fall to your knees you begin to cry you stop hyperventilating then you think about Michael smiling at you and teasing you, you calm down and gets up you grab your sword and starts walking you go up the stairs to the front door you grip the handle of the sword you open the door and what you see next is heartbreaking.

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