Part 30

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I lay gasping beside Jordan as he pants slowly. "Jesus..."
"Well that was..." I giggle playfully.
"Didn't know you could do that.." he jokes,
"Does this mean you'll keep around a bit longer"
"I was thinking of getting rid but I suppose you've earned your keep".
I laugh heartedly and push myself down onto his chest. My head lifts up and down slowly going with his breath, calming my racing heart. I can't deny, Jordan has done what I expected, my mind isn't anywhere near Missy and Haley. Not that I've immense experience or anything but my god...let's just say Cory is not the only Wilson brother who's got it.
Jordan reaches up into his locker, "want some?"
"I didn't know you vaped?"
"I don't, maybe just now and then when I feel like it, much prefer the hardcore shit you know"
"Oh yeah cause you're such a stoner" I say laughing.
"Exactly" he says taking a pull. I watch the small whips of smoke around his mouth in fascination. "Go on" he says handing it to me.
"This is all very cigarettes after sex"
"That's what I was going for"
I take it off him, examining it closely. Carefully I place it between my lips and press down the button. I feel the vapour fill my lips and try to hold off the cough.
"Gggfffaaef" I make an awful noise, firing it back to him.
"I don't like it" I say shaking my head. Jordan is in stitches laughing as he takes it back and puffs away. "Pussy" he says poking me in the side. "I need to pee" I say moving around.
"Go on then"
"....where's your dad and Cory"
"I dunno..downstairs probably why?"
"I don't want to run into them in the hallway that's so embarrassing Jordan!"
"Well I'm sure they know you're here, you know after all that"  I blush,
"Jordannnn" I whine. "That sounds familiar" he jokes, making me go even redder, "seriously can you like go and wait on the landing or something to make sure nobody walks in"
"Don't be ridiculous go yourself"
I give him a dirty look and roll out of the bed, i spot his dressing down hanging on the door and wrap it around my naked body. "You're welcome" he says winking, "fuck you" I say peering out the door.
When I don't see anyone I make a quick dash for the bathroom down the hall and lock the door. Phew made it, the bathroom is actually pretty clean, which I'm very thankful for. I'd love a hot shower but I'm not sure the Wilson's would appreciate it. Instead I go to the toilet and inspect myself in the mirror. I dash some water under my armpits and wash my face. I also put a smidge of toothpaste on my finger and rub it around my mouth. "That's better" I sigh to myself. I creek the door slightly open again and make my way out, thankful that Jordan's room is so close. "Oh hello" I jump into the air with fright, Mr Wilson is standing on top of the stairs looking at me. "Hi.."
He laughs slightly, I don't think there has ever been a moment where I've wanted the ground to swallow me up, i suddenly horribly regret putting on Jordan's dressing gown, I mean what the hell was I trying to do?? I might as well have come out and say "oh hi there Mr Wilson, I've just been in your sons room having my guts rearranged!"
It feels like hours but it couldn't be any more than a few seconds when he speaks, "don't worry darling..I didn't see anything" I'm taken aback by his kindness, and I'm so flustered I almost trip walking back, "oh- I thank you" thank you?? Seriously Alison?
I slam the door behind me, and slide down the wall, cringing.
"Your dad....!" Jordan bursts out laughing, rolling around the bed
"It's not funny!" I say getting up and slapping him on the arm. "I was mortified!!".
"What? Did you think I couldn't tell from your tomato face!?"
I put my hands to my head and groan.
"He doesn't care, he's used to it, you do realise I'm related to Cory"
"Yeah..but I was wearing your dressing gown!" Jordan starts howling again at this, oh god will I ever live that down. I notice Jordan's put his underwear back on, so I decide to leave the dressing gown on handing loosely.
My phone beeps and he picks it up for me,
"Shit Missy's sent you like 40 messages"
"Oh" I take the phone off him and sure enough, lots of messages pop up on the screen from Haley and Missy.
"Something happen?"
I sigh, twidling my thumbs together and looking down,
"Missy had an abortion today"
"Yeah..." he sits up, putting his hand on my leg, "are you ok?"
"Me? I'm fine..I went with her" he nods his head pulling me close.
"I walked out..they I- I dunno I suppose I just felt a bit all over the place, that's when I came here".
"Maybe you should text her back" he says picking up my phone again.
"Yeah you're right" I say.
"Do you want to stay here tonight?" I look up at him, "can I?"
"Yeah sure"
"Thanks Jor" I say kissing him lightly before texting Missy back.
"Ali where are you??"
"Pls text me back"
"Are you with Jordan?"
I start to feel bad, I should have texted her before now, she's had enough to worry about, I realise perhaps I've been a little bit dramatic. Now that I've spent time with Jordan and I'm relaxed, everything seems a little clearer.
"Hi miss, I'm really sorry, I just got are you feeling? Would you mind if I stayed in Jordan's know how it is ahahah anyway tell Haley I said sorry too, I'll speak to you tomorrow try get a good night sleep"
She replies almost immediately,
"Jesus you silly cow, nice of you to answer, I feel ok, tell Jordan i said to keep his hands to himself!"
I know she might just be putting on a brave face but I take some heart that Missy seems to be sounding a bit like herself.
"Well what did she say"
"Oh nothing, she seems to be sounding a bit more like herself but that might be more of an act, I told her I was staying here she said to tell you to keep your hands to yourself!"
He laughs at this, "oh I promise" he says already pulling down the dressing gown off my shoulders.
"Oh that can wait" I say teasing.
"So what have you got planned then for our sleepover? Matching Pajamas, movies, hot choco?"
"Actually I was thinking more pillow fights and chubby bunny"
"HAHAHA I didn't have you down as someone who'd even know what that was"
"Oh yeah.. me and the boys are big fans"
"Of course we could always play soggy biscuit"
"EWWW Jordan" I say fake retching, "ew ew ew, please tell me that never happened"
The look on his face and the cheeky laugh makes me want to not even ask.
Without warning he starts kissing me again..this is going to be an interesting night.

Hey! This is kind of a fun chapter so I hope you thought it was light-hearted, it's nice to have these chapters every once and a while. Hope your all enjoying means the world all the support! Xxx

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