Part 38

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"Chloe...CHLOE?!" I say pushing myself up into the air. "Alison please stay calm"
"WH- WHA- WHY WOULD SHE DO THIS?!" I scream. Mrs Paracha pulls me into a hug. "At least you know how it can all be put a stop to" she says comfortingly. I'm completely gobsmacked..I don't understand why on earth Chloe would do this, I don't even know her that well..what reason had she to do this to me?
I try to pull myself together, "so what now?" I ask turning to the Officer, with as much strength as I can muster. "We have all been chatting Alison and we agree this matter doesn't have to be taken much further as regards the law however we will be chatting to Chloe and" he turns to Miss Carter "the school and the board will have to be notified, this is a very serious situation and I'm sure you understand that."
"Yes..yeah I do but I mean like- are you going to go get her now or do I just go back to class? Can I tell anyone?"
Miss Carter answers me this time, "yes Alison, I'm afraid Officer Darren here and myself will have to go back to the school to talk to Chloe and her Mum" I think of Miss Keane and feel so sorry for her, having to deal with all this..still at least she has Mr Qureshi to help her face through the fact her daughters a crazy person..

"Would you like to go home Alison there's really no need for you to be put through all the awkward discussions" Miss Carter says as we walk out the door of the police station. Miss Carter has convinced the police that they don't need to be involved any further unless they see necessary. I consider what she says, normally I'd jump at the chance to stay home and have a long weekend but a big part of me wants to see Chloe being caught out.
"Is it okay if I come back for the last few hours?" I ask earnestly, " can go back to class if you want, we will be pulling Chloe out the minute we get back however"
I stifle a smirk. Now that I've found out who it is, I don't have much sympathy at all and I can't wait to have a moment to confront her, preferably in daylight though and with lots of people there so she doesn't try throw a rock at me again. Miss Carter zooms back to the school with intent but my stomach is back to normal now.
Mrs Paracha is reeling from the excitement, "this is like something on Corrie..unbelievable" she chats the entire way back, cheering me up the more she talks. She's not wrong this is exactly something you'd see on telly but everything in my life right now seems to be camera worthy. I scold myself, I sound so vain and horrible but we all need a main character moment every now and then and that's just a fact.

My mind wanders off to Jordan as I walk back in the school gates, "Miss what time is it?" I wonder, "just past one, second lunch should be starting" she says checking her beige strapped watch with small diamonds incrusted. " it ok if I go find Missy and Haley?"
"Yes that should be fine Alison perhaps only tell the people you trust about this..."
"Oh yes" I say, making me way across the playground, before I can do Mrs Paracha stops, "well done today Love" she says giving me a warm hug. I tightly grasp her back and quickly head off to find the girls.

They're sitting inside much to my annoyance because this means I have to push through everyone in the canteen asking me where I've been all day.
"Ali!" Lara says appearing before my eyes like a flash, "oh-!"
"Where the hell have you been that cow was being so secretive" she says nodding her head at Missy across the room, who I'm only spotting now.
"Hey! Missy is not a cow" I say rudely, she takes a slight step back and I see her eyes flash widely. "No need to get your knickers in a twist!" She says giggling like a hyena, "that boy toy of yours really doesn't like me does he?" She says continuing on her speech, "why? What happened?" I ask curiously, "asked him where you were and he turned righ around and told me to fuck off! The cheek, still I wouldn't expect anything less he seems the type"
She stays fiddling on the spot, and I think I'm finally about to find it in me, I can feel it brewing like hot coffee about to boil over the surface, I open my mouth
"Lara would you ever f-
"OH look there's Corey!" She wiggles her hands sexily in the air and flounces over to him.
Well so much for finally speaking my mind..will I ever get rid of Lara, this is starting to become a real problem for me.
I race over to Missy not stopping for anyone else trying to talk to me.
"Woahhhh one at a time please" I say holding up my hands.
I sit down on the bench and Nas and Missy both look at me expectantly.
"I don't think you're ready for this.." I say suspensinglg, "oh spit it out!" Nas exclaims.
I take a deep breath, " was Chloe" I say whispering as quietly as I can muster.
Missy slaps her hand to her face her eyes falling down her face, Nas doesn't bother covering her mouth simply leaving it dangling wide open, "you're jokin!" She says in disbelief,
"I fucking wish..had to do down to the police station with Miss Carter, your mum came too I say nodding at Nas".
I begin to unravel my entire ordeal and they listen like I'm a grandmother telling some spooky story.

Walking home that evening I feel considerably safer than I did the night before, Razia and Haley have been told the whole story twice now and they still refuse to believe it.
"I'm going to smack that bitch so hard when I see her!" Haley says wickedly. "I mean..don't but I'm not saying I wouldn't appreciate it". I find it hard to have much sympathy for Chloe, she scared the shit out of me and I still have no idea why?? I know I'll find out more in the coming days I doubt Miss Carter's going to let me hear the end of it just yet.

The window is still broken in my room and I curse Jordan, "were going to have to ring a proper fitter what is Jordan doing?!" Missy screams annoyed. "We had a big fight today" I say solemnly, I didn't make any contact with Jordan for the rest of the school day afterwards. Now that I can look back the reason all seems a bit silly on both sides but he said some really hurtful things and perhaps I did overreact about the whole "no excuse" thing but at the same time this is someone who says he loves me and if he can't even be bothered to show me any respect half the time does he deserve to always get the best of me?
Jordan makes my mind feel like it's going to explode, he's so complicated and it just makes me question our whole relationship.

I squash myself into bed with Missy and Haley in Nanas old room. The two of them are out nearly like lights but I'm so uncomfortable and my mind is racing from the day I've had. I wiggle myself out as quietly as I can and trod back down the stairs. I pull open the press, and grab a chocolate bar. I think I read somewhere once chocolate calms you, that might not be true but if there was ever a time for comfort eating it's now. I pull the blanket off the top of the couch and suck slowly on the chocolate, feeling it melting in my mouth.
My mind relaxes and my eyes close slowly, dozing lightly.

I gasp loudly. What was that sound? My whole body tenses, and my heart beats out of my chest. There can't be somewhere here? They caught Chloe...please don't tell me there's someone else.
I jump up again and stare at the door. It seemed to have come from there. I slowly approach the door holding my arms tightly to my chest. I can feel a slight trickle run down my leg and I don't even want to admit to myself what's happened.
The person knocks again, growing more aggressive by the minute. What if I don't let them in, they break in!?.
I push the door down hearing the sound of the crunching biscuits as it opens,
"I NEED YOUR HELP!" Jordan cries out as the pouring rain runs down his bloody face.

Loads more Jordan coming im sure you'll all be glad to hear! Hope you enjoyed this sorry it was a bit late! Do let me know what you're thinking of the story at the minute I absolutely love reading comments!!

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