Part 42~ A play special

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Coming in the back door with Missy and Haley my stomach is in knots. "Are you sure it's all gonna be okay??"
"Stop stressing you're great besides I'm the one who should be stressed I'm the lead!" Missy states strutting confidently across the sitting room floor. "Well you certainly won't have a problem in front of all those people!" I say laughing at her even though seeing her so unbothered makes me even more nervous.
"Well that is if Ms Keane even shows up" Haley mutters flopping down on her phone. Ms Keane has been off school ever since Mr Qureshi died of course nobody knows why she is so overly upset but I think a couple of people could take a rare guess. "I'm sure she'll show" I say but I don't know if I'm trying to convince Haley or myself. I open the packet of wafer bars in the press because who really needs proper dinner before one of the most major acting moments of your life. Okay overstatement of the century but the thoughts of standing up in front of a whole audience of people from school AND parents makes me shove a three bars down my neck but then regret it immediately afterwards.

The play is starting at eight but all us "actors" have to be there at seven. My phone chimes and I get excited thinking it's Jordan. He hasn't been himself since Mr Qureshi died to be honest not many people have been. Still, he's blaming himself..I don't actually think it his fault, and I'm not just saying that because I don't want him to feel worse. I mean Jordan didn't force Mr Qureshi to go after those scumbags and I'm pretty sure from what I hear from the gossip I got from Candice that Mr Qureshi actually knew the guy who killed him and there was some history there. I've been trying to block it out of my mind which is my main coping mechanism that I plan to work out in therapy later, but for now I just have to try and be the best for Jordan and be the best for the play.
"Hey Aliballie" I fake a sick noise, "good luck tonight in the play I know your costume is ugly but I'm sure no one will notice", lovely Lara always comes through with the supportive friend act, she's not as full on as she was when she first came which is not due to the fact that's she's matured and kinder it's due to the fact that she's banging Cory Wilson. Nothing good usually comes from sleeping with Cory pregnancy and possibly STDS being the most serious but in this particular situation it couldn't be better for me.
I kind of wish Jordan would have at least texted me good luck by now, I'm sure he'll be there tonight and everything but I probably won't get a lot of time to see him.
I plug my phone into the charger and begin to get ready, i just put on some grey joggers and a black T-shirt with my trainers, thinking about the ugly nurse costume waiting for me in the cold classroom.
I put on my Nicki Minaj playlist to feel a little more hyped and bad bitchy and start doing light makeup and tying my hair tightly back so that my head can barely move from side to side but I just take it in my stride.

"Oh my god Missy you look beautiful" I exclaim as I make my way into the kitchen. She's only wearing sweats like me but her hair and makeup are done so gorgeously that I can barely take my eyes off her. "Oh it's nothing!" She says waving about her face laughing. Compared to me Missy looks like the beauty making me the...
"HALEY GET YOUR ASS DOWN THIS STAIRS" I roar up at Haley who's taking ages even though her part is so minuscule you can barely see her in the line up. "Do I look okay?" She asks desperately running down in a big huff, "yes lovely why?"
"Riz is gonna be there tonight and I have to look good"
"Doesn't he see you everyday in school?"
"Yeah..what's that supposed to mean are you saying I look ugly in school now and all!"
"No! That's not what I said drama queen come on we're gonna be late" I say dragging her out the door with Missy.

There's plenty of people turning up the same time as us to the school and it kind of feels like fancy dress day even though it's the middle of November. I look around for Jordan even though I'm well aware that he wouldn't be here this early, Jordan is incapable of showing up on time even when he's supposed to. I'm almost glad Ms Keane decided not to give him the part of Mercutio after he was caught smoking on the field because to be honest he wouldn't have been able to deal with it now with everything going on. Ms Keane is barely able to deal with it by the looks of things..
The classroom is so noisy with people coming in and out and everyone stressing over their costumes. I look around for Ms Keane but she's nowhere to be seen I feel bad but right now the most important thing is the show must go on!
I pull over the old fashioned black dress and cloggy shoes and start to practice my lines.
Before I know it I feel strong hands grab me around my neck. "AHH!" I yell grabbing them in shock.
"Alrigh alrigh no need to scream the place down!"
"Jesus maybe don't greet me like a murderer next time" I say sighing when I see it's only Jordan.
"What are you doing back her it's only for the professionals darling"
"Had to break the rules to come see my girl", I fake retch and we laugh together.
"I don't look half ugly in this bloody costume"
"Nah it's..nice" he says struggling to find the words. "Oh piss off we both know I look like nanny McPhee"
"What's that"
"You've never seen the movie Nanny McPhee?!"
"Jordan!! It's a classic one of my favourites when I was little...that's it we'll have to watch it"
He groans, "how about I try making it through watching this and then watch the other shit show"
"Heyy! You're the one who told me I could be an actress you can't go back on your words"
"Suppose you'll have to prove it to me tonight won't ya!"
Chloe interrupts our conversation by storming in dramatically, "Guys I'm really sorry but the play is off...Mums not coming" she announces.
Everyone looks around in panic, "what do you mean she's not coming?!" Frederick jumps up in shock already decked out in his Romeo costume. "But we've been practicing for ages!" I exclaim. This is actually the first time I've half way spoken to Chloe since the big incident but I didn't think it would involve the cancelling of the play! I should have guessed..Ms Keane must be devastated but I didn't think it would come to this. This year is all boring boring exams it was the only fun thing in school!
"THEY'LL BE NO CANCELLING ON MY WATCH!" Miss Carter comes into the room like a fairy godmother.
Chloe stares at her in awe and she continues to boss us around, "COME ON CHOP CHOP IF YOU'RE READY GET BACK STAGE AND PRACTICE IF NOT HURRY UP!"
"Oh and Jordan Wilson you can move yourself out into the audience sharpish!" She says pointing her finger at him.
I laugh, "see you later then...I hope Ms Keane is okay" I add my thoughts drifting to her. He doesn't answer but a sad expression takes over his face, "more importantly are you okay?" I say pulling his torso close to me, "yeah..I'll be fine" he sighs. "JORDAN AND ALISON!" Miss Carter yells again and this time he really does have to go. I press myself onto my tippy toes and kiss him cutely on the lips. "You're gonna smash it!" He says finally holding my shoulders and then stalks off to find a seat.
I wish I had his eight o'clock creeps nearer and nearer I'm not so sure I am gonna..smash it. What if everyone laughs at me? Missy would never have those problems she doesn't care what people say about her. I wish I could be more like her..

Just as we're about to take the stage, I hear a rustling in the back. It's Ms Keane!
She whispers loudly "guys I'm so sorry that I wasn't here earlier everything- well never mind that now eh? I just wanna say you've all been absolutely brilliant and I'm so so so proud of every single one of you, now go and out there and show everyone what you're made of!" We all cheer her and some people even have to wipe tears from their eyes.
I see Zain give her a fist bump before we head out and my heart swells slightly.

I stare blankly at the curtain about to be pulled up and suddenly I think I might actually wet myself.
Why the hell did I think this would be a good idea?

Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying this chapter I know nothing major happens but still I thought it was maybe an easier read than what I normally do! But stay tuned there's perhaps a little shock coming soon..xxxxx
Thanks for all the support

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