Part 41

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"ZAIN PISS OFF" I scream going to throw my copy book through the air but Miss Freigh the stand in history teachers grabs my hand in the air before I could let it go.
"You two seriously, what are you two years old?!" She sighs annoyed, I feel slightly bad this is mine and Zain's possibly millionth time annoying her this week and I don't think she knows how to handle it and has just given up.
Oh shut up I know I'm being mean! But every class is so boring now that it's nice to be able to muck about in even one or two.
I accidentally catch Chloe's eye across the room and we both look away hurriedly and embarrassed. This is the first day she's been back in and no one has mentioned a word to either of us about the rock throwing. I think the only reason that was because when she walked back into the classroom, Jordan put his arm around me protectively and everyone went quiet.
I don't think she's going to try and talk to me, I don't bloody want her to either, how awkward would that be? No thank you I'd rather just avoid and give her dirty looks for the rest of my life, that sounds like the easier option. We pile out of the class everyone still on a high from all the messing about.
"Are you going to go to Mr Qureshi again today?" I ask Jordan cautiously, slipping my hand into his, admittedly trying to butter him up.
"GET A ROOM YOU TWO" Haley shouts and I give her the evils, as some of the stupid boys whoop, Haley pisses me right off sometimes, she's hanging around Riz all the time lately and do I say anything? No, jesus she annoys me so much sometimes. "Ugh anyway" I say speaking a little quieter than before, "are you?". Jordan's face falls after laughing along with the rest of the class. "No..I told ya last night...he was fucking lying the whole time, who does that??"
"Maybe he just wanted to help you Jordan"
"He didn't need to lie"
"..." I know what I think, to me it seems like a win win situation, he was getting money for showing up to a boxing training instead of doing drug runs albeit Mr Qureshi may have lied about the whole scholarship thing which was wrong but Jordan knows that he did it for the right reasons, I don't know why he's asking so self righteous.
"Chloe hasn't even tried to talk to you" he acknowledges as we come up to the door for English. "So?...I don't want her to, why would I want to talk to a nutcase that could have literally smashed my head off with a rock"
"Hmmm yeah fair point that" I laugh, "I thought so".
Everyone takes their sears but Ms Keane isn't anywhere to be seen. "Oi crazy where's your Mum?" Dean lumley shouts. "Oi dickhead why don't you shut up" she shouts back at him.
"Ohhh I'm not the one who attempted Murder isn't that right Alison?" He yells at me, while the whole class bursts into an array of whispers. I open my mouth to tell him to fuck off, I do agree with him but under no circumstances would I be seen agreeing with that..well what Chloe said.
"Fuck off Lumley" Jordan mutters loudly enough for his voice to carry across the classroom. "Hahahahha what you gonna do about it Wilson you're sticking up for your girlfriend now but didn't you stick something in her last year?" The class gasps and Jordan practically flys off his chair pushing Dean to the ground roughly. They roll around tackling each other until Jordan finally manage to punch him in his side causing him to groan loudly and struggle. "JORDAN GET OFF HIM" I scream as the rest of the class shout and the boys try desperately to pull him away. "JORDAN GET OFF A TEACHER WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE" Missy yells loudly above the class, and I panic, I don't want Jordan shut off into isolation again or even something more serious if he doesn't stop hitting Dean. I push through the guys and grab hold of him by the shoulder. He moves his elbow back sharply managing to catch my face and I fall back with the force of it. "Woahhhh" Missy says grabbing me holding me close. That's when Jordan stands up and tries to grab hold of me again, "sorr-!" He says but I purposely move myself out of the way of him.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Mr Hyatt yells as he opens up he root to the classroom. Everyone rushes to take their seats including Jordan but Dean stays moaning on the floor for dramatic effect, I look on him bitterly. Mr Hyatt rushes over to him, "who did this?" He yells at our class again. Nobody speaks up, "nobody did it sir Dean tripped on a school bag as he was walking in the door, we were just trying to help him" Haley speaks up confidently, Mr Hyatt looks at her knowing exactly what's gone on. "It's true sir" I say standing up to help. "Yeah thats what happened" Zain says backing me up. "Yeah swear down sir" Jordan says standing up with us. "I saw it with my own eyes sir" Missy shouts us. There's a chorus of "yeah sirs!" And he sighs deeply looking at all of us. "That's what happened sir" Chloe says standing up to join the class, I see the shock on some peoples faces but nobody dares say anything again.
He kneels down to help Dean up who looks at us all in a pure hatred but knows if he says anything against us he'd be getting nowhere. Thankfully Jordan didn't manage to do too much damage and completely avoided his face which was a blessing in disguise. If only he hadn't managed to hit my face in the process, I think feeling the sting on the side of my cheek.
Mr Hyatt helps Dean back up to his seat and we were all so taken up in the madness I hadn't even wondered why he's come in instead of Ms Keane, she's probably sick or something.
"Well what I actually came here to say before all this nonsense was that Miss Carter has called an assembly for the entire school so if you could all form a line and walk there quietly" he says trying keeping a steady and calm voice...something about Mr Hyatt's face doesn't seem right and everyone looks around in confusion while trying to rush out the door. "Do you think somethings wrong?" I ask Jordan as we walk down the hall. "I don't know..I don't care either..are you okay? I'm so sorry" he says reaching up to touch the slight red mark on my face. "Don't be silly I know you didn't do it on purpose"
"Yeah still though..I'll make it up to ya I promise" he says kissing the small bruise forcefully. "Mr Wilson that's enough of that!" Mr Hyatt shouts from behind us but everyone is too engrossed in conversation to even notice.
We get into the hall and most of the school is there already, I spot Lara in her usual place beside Corey and try not to meet Jordan's eye. "Ohhhh if I'm not mistaken you've lost our little bet darlin" he says stretching out in his seat and titling his head back cheekily. I give him a fake dirty look, "I thought you said you wanted to make it up to me for whacking me in the side of the face"
"I said it was an accident! Besides I was sticking up for your honour"
"Oh yeah sure you were- and what was all that about Dean saying you "stuck it in" Chloe" I say doing the bunny ears gesture.
"Oh- he-"
"GOOD AFTERNOON STUDENTS" Miss Carter's voice comes carried by the microphone. "SORRY TO CALL YOU ALL OUT OF CLASS BUT..." her voice wavers ever so slightly and I'm worried for what she has to say.
Her voice breaks at the end and a flurry of noise breaks out. Mr Qureshi...dead. I feel my stomach drop and I stare into space..all my emotions building up one by one. I look around me and some people have actually started crying and hugging each other. I feel a small tear drop down my face. I turn to Jordan my lips curling ever so slightly, he's sitting aghast. I don't know what to say...instead i just grab hold of him covering his body with my arms sitting on the cold plastic chairs. He sits motionless, his eyes darting around rapidly as he takes in what's happened.
What has happened?..why is Mr Qureshi dead?...why is this happening...?
I think of Ms Keane and look around the hall keeping my arm laced around Jordan..I'm afraid he might try run off again.
I can't see her anywhere and that's when I really feel the tears leave my eyes. Poor Ms Keane....that's why she didn't come to class..
I see Chloe sitting in shock across the other side of the hall and I think she's thinking the same as me because she grabs her school bag and races out.
None of the teachers try to stop her..maybe because they just don't care after this news or maybe because they know all too well...
Mr of the best teachers I'd ever come across..look at what he did for Jordan, it's- it-.
He was a real one.

Sad times in Ackley Bridge. I know this isn't how it exactly happened and I hope you think I did it justice. I loved Mr Qureshi in the show he had such a sad death and was only trying to protect Jordan! Let me know your thoughts good or bad hahahha x

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