Part 37

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I compose myself as much as I can and make my way back to Miss Carter's office.
I look out of the windows checking for flashing lights and sirens but just the foggy mountains stare back at me. I never get bored of the view here in Ackley when you look out that is not when you look around. When you looked around in Manchester big ugly buildings is all you could see for miles.
I don't bother knocking when I get to the door, I figure there all there for me anyway so I might as well grace them with my presence.
"Well I don't see why-" Miss Carter stops mid sentence as I waltz into the room and Mrs Paracha looks at me guilty. "It's ok I know you were both talking about me" I say confidently.
"Not about you Alison just about the situation at present" that shuts me right up. " you have any developments or can I go to class?"
"I'm afraid I don't think you'll be going to any classes today, I've rang the police and they said that we'll have to go into the station so that they can trace a number, it shouldn't take long" I sigh loudly.
"Miss! I've got gsces this year I can't just miss class over nonsense like this, if this is Lara I can deal with her myself!" I say standing up dramatically and trying to grab the phone.
Miss Carter runs to the door trying to block it and Mrs Paracha pulls me back down "sit down you!". I realise there's probably no way I'm getting out of this unless I go on another runaway, this time Jordan wouldn't be there to save me...
"Listen Alison" Miss Carter says regaining her composure and sitting back down slowly. "I know this must be all very distressing but believe me once we get to the bottom of this everything will be okay, and the sooner we get to the station the sooner that it" she says reaching out to put her hand over mine but stopping mid way when she sees I've pulled it away. She's looking at my slightly red face, she must think I've been crying over all this shit and not some stupid boy.
"Would you like Mrs Paracha to come with us?" She asks kindly, "no I think I'll be okay, you've wasted enough time on this today" I say scoffing turning to Mrs Paracha, "enough of that you, you think I want to be standing out there handing out apples to ungrateful brats eh?!" Even Miss Carter laughs at this, "fair enough" I say giggling as well.

We pull up outside the police station and my palms are sweating heavily, I feel as if I could fill an average size swimming pool. When Miss Carter's not looking I quickly wipe them on her car seats and hop out of the car. My stomach feels slightly more steady probably due to the fact that Miss Carter isn't half as bad a driver as Mrs Paracha.
"There's a first time for everything!" Mrs Paracha says cheerfully, she's acting as if this is some school trip to have a tour around the police station. "Are you ready to walk in Alison?" Miss Carter asks, "yeah.. i sigh "yeah I think I am". They both look at me sympathetically and we walk in.
"Hi I'm here to talk to Officer Darren, from Ackley Bridge college we spoke on the phone"
"Ah yes of course, he should be here in one moment" the small fat man says eyeing me up.
He's probably thinking "here's the mystery text girl what a drama queen can she not deal with one or two bullies, god everyone is such a snowflake these days" he doesn't actually manage to get this out in time before Miss Carter whisks off again to take a seat on one of the many chairs.
I gingerly sit on the edge of one of the plastic seats. There's some rough looking people sitting on some of the chairs..A man is actually flopped over asleep on one of the chairs, his grubby hands are classed around his torso holding himself up. I can't help but stare at him with wide eyes, he looks so...dirty his head. I take pity on him, I wonder when he was sixteen did he think in years to come this is all his life would amount to..
Mrs Paracha looks even more shocked than I do, something tells me she regrets agreeing to come now, perhaps she would rather handing out apples to ungrateful brats.

"Ladies would you mind coming this way please" a man emerges from one of the mysterious black doors, Miss Carter gets up and walks after him briskly I trail after her. She didn't even give me back my phone after, it's in a plastic bag. This all feels a little bit too Netflix crime series to me. All we need are some cameras and boom we'd be a hit show.
We go into a relatively small room, but it's nothing like you'd see in Coronation Street, it's not very dark at all, it has got some of those anti drugs posters on the wall and a slighter mustier hospital smell but other than it's pretty underwhelming.
"Now" the officer sits diagonally from me on the chairs and folds his arms on his news, probably to make him seem more accessible so that I don't shit myself. "What's your name?" He speaks as if he's talking to a child and I don't like it. "Alison Knightley" I say begrudgingly, pulling away from me. "I've spoken to your teacher here Alison and I understand there's been an issue as regards unknown messages would you like to tell me more"
I speak as quickly as I can explaining everything that's happened in the past day, this officer shows no particular shock or confusion on his face at all actually, which annoys me because this is a very serious situation he shouldn't be sitting there calmly?! "I see..I see, and you have no idea who this could be?"
"Well- I thought it might be this girl from school but I'm not sure"
"Well then, I think what we're going to have to do is take the phone" he says pulling it with his fingers across the table "and we're going to trace the number back so we can see the person it came from, this actually doesn't take as long as you'd think, so you can stay here for another few minutes while we get this sorted eh Alison?" I just nod my head quickly as he takes my phone and himself out of the room.
"Well, that wasn't as exciting as I thought It would be" Mrs Paracha says clearly disappointed. Miss Carter looks at her in annoyance and I giggle lightly. "I have to admit I thought there'd be more to it than that" I say sighing.
"That's the hard part over now" Miss Carter acknowledges. I'm not sure she's right to be honest.

Officer Darren whisks back into the room after about a half an hour. "Hello" he says taking his seat. So many thoughts are racing threw my mind, I'm finally going to find out who this mystery sender is and I feel like running out of the room. I don't know if I really want to know, what if this is someone I really like? What if I find out someone hates me and I never even realised? Even worse all the teachers have to know's all just too much. I'm sick of all this drama I need a break. Why is there always something.
I can feel myself spinning and things start to blur as I look around.
Miss Carter puts her hand over my arm, holding me steady "Alison?" Deep breaths okay...can we get her some water please" I don't hear the answer but there's plenty of flapping going on around me.
I stare at the poster on the wall intently "S O K NG K L S" until slowly things focus once again and I can feel Miss Carter ease her grip on me. "SMOKING KILLS" i read slowly again and again until I'm sure I can see properly again. Mrs Paracha holds the paper cup to my lips and I sip carefully "sorry..sorry I just felt a bit dizzy there"
"How about you head on out and sit in the nurses apartment Alison, I need to have a little word with your teacher and guardian here"
" I don't want to go..I want to know who it is!"
"Alison..Alison you go on out now and steady yourself, I'll come out in a minute"
I stand up my legs heavy from clenching my muscles so hard. "Do you need me to show you to it?" Officer Darren asks menacingly kind.
"No" I mutter bluntly. Why do I have to leave the room? This is about ME not them...they said themselves it was MY safety at risk surely I have a right to know who the bloody person is. There was no point in me even being here for gods sake!
I don't bother going into the Nurses office instead I try to make my way back out to the waiting room to where I was. Maybe the druggie will have woken up by now and might buy me something in the vending machine.
I push the doors with no luck. They've locked them all..well obviously Alison this is a place where criminals are held they can't just leave all the doors open!
Instead I just stand outside the door quietly trying to hear..all I need is one name.
The door sweeps open.
"Oh!" The police man exclaims "didn't I send you to the Nurses office!" He says, does he seriously think I'm going to laugh at him in a time like this.
Miss Carter and Mrs Paracha are showing no sign of emotion on their face, well Kaneez's eyebrows are slightly raised and I know she's itching to scream out the name.
I prepare myself, "come back in and take a seat Alison" they say inviting me back in.
"Alison..Officer Darren here has been able to trace the number successfully-
"And?!" I say desperately. My legs are shaking wildly and I grow cold all over.
Lara, Lara, Lara- I run the name in my head over and over trying to get used to the sound of what I know I'm about to hear. Why would she do this- what a bit-
"We do have the number yes, and..I'm sorry to tell you it belongs to....Chloe Voyle"

we're you shocked? Did you guess it? I really hope you enjoyed, loads of Jordan coming up and loads of crazy storylines stay tuned!

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