Chapter 19: The Spirit Festival (3)

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The duke waved his hand, and the servants slowly retreated out the greenhouse. We were all alone now. 

Don't leave me with him! I don't wanna be alone with this guy! I screamed in my head but I could only watch them leave quietly. 

Both of us remained silent, with only the sound of paper from the documents the duke was reading. It's not awkward, but it's definitely not comfortable. If this goes on, I'm going to be drinking way more tea again.

The sky had turned orange and there was an abundance of light pouring in due to the transparent glass walls of the greenhouse. I took a peek at the duke and sure enough, he looked beautiful with the light from the sunset shining on his face. I only realized I was staring intently at him when the duke called me.

"What is it? Is there something on my face?" The duke was the first to break the silence. He suddenly looked up and our eyes met. I shake my head vigorously out of panic.

"You're awfully silent today." He went back to reading the documents. "I expected more from someone who demanded an apology from Elliot."

I almost choked on my tea. This man just says whatever he wants, huh? First of all, I didn't demanded for an apology. I asked politely.

"Are you too shy to show your accent?" He pointed out. What is he talking about? An accent? Me? I tilted my head and looked at him in confusion. He looked back at me with the same expression, "You do not speak the language in this area, I presume?"

I nodded. So I have an accent when I speak. 

"What is your native language?" He asked. 

"I don't know." Even when I searched through Astria's memories, her language was always with her. I don't know the origin of the language. 

"Hmm. Try saying something." He requested, I decided to introduce myself in my native language. The duke's eyes widened. 

"Who taught you that?" He shifted his body forward. 

"Mom and dad." I lied. It was a convincing lie since most parents teach their children to speak. And since I'm an orphan, he can't question my parents since I don't know who they were myself. 

"I see." He slouched back into his seat. "Thank you for answering my questions. Do you have any questions for me?"

Oh, in fact, I do.

"Does Mr. Duke have any children?" I didn't see Lucaon anywhere, assuming he's in the other area in the mansion. I just wanted to make sure he exists.

"I do. They're not here at the moment." Oh, that means I won't be meeting him now. That's kind of a relief but also a disappointment. 

Our little tea session was interrupted by Cain who marched in to find the duke. 

"My lord-. Oh, you're here, little missy! I've been looking around for you." Cain, as always, lacked a sense of discipline in front of the duke but the duke didn't seem to mind. "We're going to visit the festival downtown with the children."

"You should get going." The duke got out of his seat to help me out of mine. 

Before I leave with Cain, I turned around once more and approached the duke. I have another question for him. 

"Mr. Duke, what is your name?" I've been calling him the duke all this time. They've never mentioned Lucaon's father's name in the game. 

He was once again surprised by my question and he smiled. 

"I am Cassius." He said. In my native tongue. 

He knows my language!! 

From the day I got reincarnated, I've been speaking a language I'm not familiar with. For the first time, I felt understood.

"See you, Mr. Cassius!" I could tell I was putting on the biggest smile on my face as I bid him goodbye. 


"What did you and my lord talked about, little miss?" Cain asked while escorts me, "I've never seen my lord in such a good mood."

"Oh......It's nothing." I smiled.

"Keeping secrets, are we?" Cain pretended to shed a tear, "I thought we were friends."

I was taken to the back of the mansion where there was a smaller gate. Everyone has gathered there and I quickly joined them.

There is a festival held just at the nearby town which is a 10-minute walk from the mansion. It seems the servants always use this route to go to the market.

We could already see some lights in the distance and when we arrived the town, the sky had just turned dark blue. The lights were much brighter than I had expected. Even without modern electric lights, the magic stones illuminated almost the entire street. And since they're levitating in mid air, it seems even more dreamy.

The festival itself was more than I had anticipated. The had the usual food and games stalls set up everywhere. Even though I just ate, I can't help but feel hungry again when I smelled the fragrance of food in the air.

The sisters can't look after every single one of us in such a crowded event so all of us had to either hold each other hands, or at least grab onto the sister's shirt. I found a spot for me to grab on and I quickly did.

We squeezed our way through to the town square, where numerous stalls were set around a fountain in the center. On the fountain, there was a stone statue. It was a figure of a woman with long, flowy hair and an equally elegant dress. She was clasping her hands together as if she were praying. The statue was decorated with white ribbons and surrounded by candles, each with something carved into them.

Without a doubt, this is the goddess of light, Lumine.

The Side Character Got Promoted To The Villainness!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ