Chapter 6. The Race

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"Okay boys we have a new contestant in the race Mr Cameron!!!" Andrew shouts as the others applaud.
"She's coming!" Zama points out as the six of us prepare.

Andrew offers to take her bag, Zama offers to carry her book and Crazy pocket offers to marry her while Mabhena, Edward and I laugh at her reaction, she looked completely baffled. Iris only remembered about the little competition we have a few seconds after her confusion.
"Oh! Uhm sorry I can hold my own things and I'm too young to get married."

I saw that moment as my chance to strike.
" She's an independent woman guys what your doing is useless. Iris may I walk you to class."
" I accept your offer."

At that moment I felt like I had conquered the world but then I didn't know what to say.

"I honestly didn't think this through because I don't know what to say to you."
" I was expecting you to talk about my appearance or do you think I'm ugly?"
"What? No, your not ugly, infact your actually the most beautiful girl no, your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
"Whoa, that was a good one, but I expected it because your good at manipulating your words."

Before I could respond another girl came and started a conversation with her and they talked like I was not even there, that's so disrespectful, at least acknowledge my presence woman.
I eventually got fed up and walked away without saying another word.

"Nice going man, real smooth." Edward mocked me as I took my walk of shame.
"Go die in a hole." I said firmly and walked away to clear my head.

I probably should not have reacted like that but I really don't care. What am I even doing? I should just stop all this, if I carry on I might blow my cover if I haven't already done it.

School began and the race continued and Iris really made them work for her attention, she is really having fun with this, she isn't making them physically do anything, but her responses to certain comments are making it hard for some to score points and so far Zama is winning the race.

" I don't think my husband Zama will agree with that Mabhena."
"I thought you were too young to get married?" Crazy pocket looks disappointed.
" It's okay he doesn't have to know and besides sharing is caring." Mabhena carries on pushing his agenda, whatever that is, his statement had TJ (the most quite guy in the group) howl in laughter.

I actually think Mabhena is joking about all this even though his really trying to win this race, the others are clearly joking but I'm not too sure about Andrew and Edward but that's probably because I think they are my only threats in the school.

By the time break was over Crazy pocket had backed out of the race which left Zama, Edward, Andrew and Mabhena who are determined to see this through till the end while I gave up on talking to her in general.

Before Maths began Mabhena surprised me.
"Cameron do you really like this girl?"
"Uhm. . . yeah I really do."
"Coz I also fancy her."
"But it's nothing serious, it will be just for the challenge so I'm gonna leave her to you, don't mess up this chance or I'm taking over."

His backing out because I like her, even though he wants to date her, that's mind blowing especially because it's coming from Mabhena.
Now I and feel obligated to ask her out.

We entered the Math class and stood at our desks as we waited for our Teacher, I greeted the gents hugged Charlotte and waited at my desk and as I was dreading to start the lesson Iris turned towards me.

"Where did you run off to this morning?"
"Oh yeah. . . Uhm since you were in a conversation I decided to walk away and let you talk without you waiting just for me to bore you."
"I actually didn't want to talk to her, I would rather talk to you and by the way you are not boring you a very interesting guy."

Did that happen?
"Oi, your getting ahead of yourself." said Mikel.

She called me interesting, but she could be saying that just to cheer me up she seems like the type of person who doesn't like upsetting people but I really don't mind as long as she carries on talking to me then I'll be fine.

The rest of the school day was a blur, all I was thinking about was whether I actually have a chance and how on earth I will even ask her out because we barely speak.
After school Mabhena took me and some gents to Kiki and his friends, I just had an internal conversation for a while until they started rating our looks.
It was Andrew, Mabhena, Yaatie, Crazy pocket, Wayne, Ken, Jizzy and I.

I noticed then that for a group of African people we have some very western names.

"In terms of the most handsome out of all of you it's Andrew, Crazy pocket, Wayne, Yaatie, Mabhena, Ken, Jizzy then Cameron."
"Yho, hade Cameron." Mabhena teases.

The order was basically the same for the other ratings I was either last or second last and the only occasion I was not last was when I was first for being the ugliest.

"Shame Cameron don't worry, your not ugly you just have good looking friends." Kiki tried to cheer me up but it just made me feel worse.

I am already quite insecure about my looks and that really shattered my confidence. Especially the fact that Andrew is the best looking in the group, so much for asking Iris out.

I lost before I even started.

I went home did some homework sent Iris a message and yet again I was blue ticked.

Nothing seems to go my way in life.
Why do I even try?

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