Chapter 23. Left shoulder, Right shoulder

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The days that followed her birthday were amazing, we laughed, talked and hung out way more than we did before. I couldn't shake the dizzy feeling I felt when I was around her, if anything it's just intensifying as time goes on.
  With each passing day I told myself that I should just do it, I planned on asking her out but the fear of rejection bound me to our current relationship status...The Friend zone.

Exams are around the corner and I could easily lie to you and say I have been working hard to go above my C- average but truthfully I don't even know what percentage C- is.
Most people say we should focus on books and nothing else, but what happens when books are the last thing on your mind, I'll tell you exactly what happens–

"Sixteen out of fifty!"
"Dude rejoice, I got twelve!" Andrew lamented.
"How did I get more than you guys when I forgot my calculator at home!" Uveshan howled with laughter.

I honestly have no words for these results, the fact that UV beat me without a calculator shows how hopelessly pathetic my mathematical skills are.
Our math teacher has been bombarding us with math tests and next week we will take a mock exam under full exam conditions.

I'm totally screwed.

After school the gang talked about possibly making a study group to support those of us who are... stupid.

Iris gave me a light wave and gave "Drew" a warm hug ( traitor) before we split up.
Sadly they keep on getting closer but I haven't made any major progress with Iris.

I got into the car and decided to sonder to block out my depression, I got home and opted to chill with Bingo.

It's been about four months and I haven't built up the courage to ask her out, with Andrew getting closer to her I feel like I have run out of time.

"Dude it's time for you to confess." Mikel's voice took me out of my daze.
"Are you mad." I replied, I have gotten closer to Iris in the last few months but I don't know if we are that close yet.

"You won't know if you're that close until you ask, bruv this ain't highschool musical where you will share moments until that inevitable kiss." He laughed " This is the real world if you want something you take it and if you don't someone else will."

Mikel or Mike for short has always been persuasive, when we were kids he talked me into holding an electric wire after I had already been shocked by the same request 3 times, talk about peer pressure.

"Maybe it's better that way, if Andrew wants her he can have her, I'm sure she'll be better off with him."
" You stupid bloody idiot! I have never seen you this interested in a girl and now you just gonna give up?" Mikel sounded some what disgusted. " I thought this Andrew dude said, he would leave her to you."
"He did, they just friends."
" Well that's a load of rubbish, from what you've told me I wouldn't be surprised if they were already snogging."

Mikel was getting carried away with the British accent but his words were really getting to me, after all I have been trying Andrew seems to be getting cozy with Iris and he is quite a play boy so I wouldn't put kissing Iris passed him.

"In this world you should only look out for yourself, ask the girl out and ditch four eyes."

I have known Andrew for so long, he should understand that I don't like the fact his so close to my crush and if he can't notice it, it's even worse. As my best friend he should know me more than any other person.

"Don't frown for too long you'll get wrinkles." Charlotte coed from the gate.
"Ahh." Mike groaned at her arrival.

Mike and Charlotte are opposites so they obviously don't get along, Mike doesn't hesitate to show it but Charlotte is a little more subtle about it.

"I know I feel the same."
Note that I did say a little.
"Come on guys play nice " I tried to dissolve the tension.
"You shouldn't doubt your friendship." Charlotte sat on my right.

She probably is right, I may be over reacting just a little.

"It's not an over reaction lassy, the lad's been betrayed."
"Your Irish accent is a wee bit off."

Andrew was always supportive, he helped me get through a lot of dark times without even realizing it. I have always admired him, I never told him this but from the moment he walked into class I promised myself that he will be my friend, I guess I just found his aura interesting or something.
  I wasn't successful at first, he was actually hanging with another group of kids in the beginning but my friends and I managed to bring him over to our side and then from there we all just clicked.

From there the group kept growing, we are friends that have always supported each other.

"Yeah right, weren't y'all fighting coz of some chick this morning."

True, Mabhena slapped Yaatie.

"But after that they laughed about it, it's part of the nature of the group."

The group has a lot of petty arguments and I always end up being stuck in the middle, it's what I get for trying to be neutral.

"Despite your internal disputes you all still support each other and always share a laugh." Charlotte informed.

"I don't remember us receiving any real support, in the end we end up having to keep supporting everyone else and putting on a false facade, one day you will snap and no one will put you back together."


"But we've always been able to be positive, even if it was a facade you always pull through for everyone."

"But what about us?"

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