Chapter 40

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A knock sounded at my door a few hours later. When I swung it open, I was welcomed to Nick. He looked different than he normally did. Sure, he had the same signature curly hair and lopsided smile, but in his slacks and button down shirt, it didn't feel like I was just standing in front of my best friend. It felt like more.

"Look at you. Ready on time," he commented, showcasing his wide smile.

"I tried my best." I spun around in a circle for him, showcasing my dress. "What do you think?"

He eyed me up and down, stumbling on his words, before settling on, "You look good." I couldn't help feeling disappointment bubble in my chest. Hours of getting ready just for him to say that I look okay?

It was fine. I barely cared what he specifically thinks. But it would be nice for him to think that I looked pretty. That's just a normal desire. Right?

His eyes scanned mine before he ran his hands through his hair and spoke. "Close the door."


"You heard me. Close the door." Despite the confusion brewing in my head, I did what he instructed. Within a few seconds, knocks sounded again. When I opened it, Nick still stood in front of me.

"Will you please tell me why I had to close the door?"

"Because I wanted a do over."

"Why do you need a do-over?"

"So that I can tell you that you look absolutely beautiful, and I am so lucky that I get to go to Francisco's with someone as amazing as you."

A giant smile crept on my face. His lopsided grin was back, and in an instant my whole body grew warm from his compliment.

"What was that?" I asked. "I don't think that I heard you very well. Maybe I should close the door and you can say it again."

Nick's hand stopped the door before I had the chance to close it. "Very funny. Now are you ready to go eat some overpriced pasta?"


I locked the door to my dorm room and followed him into the elevator. I couldn't help but feel overwhelming happiness. This was the guy that I wouldn't have trusted with my heart a year ago. Now, looking at him, I wouldn't believe for a second that he would ever intentionally hurt me. If only things had been different that summer. Then maybe this night at Francisco's wouldn't just be between two friends. The most confusing part is that I'm not sure which reality I would like to see more.

"Here," Nick said, interrupting my thoughts. He passed me my wide brimmed reading glasses. "You left these in my room the other day. I figured that you might want them back before break."

"Thanks," I took them from him and threw them in my clutch. I would put them away when I got back to my dorm. Nick led us to the parking lot, where the light blue of his pickup true was unmissable.

"We finally get to take this baby for a spin," he said as he opened the door for me. Hopping into the passenger side had not grown to be any easier of a task over the time that I had known him. Unless I grew a few inches taller, I don't think that it will ever be.

"I'm still sad that we can't drive around that much here. Everything is within walking distance," I said. He climbed into the driver's seat beside me.

"True, but that just makes the time that we do get to spend driving even more special."

As he drove, he fiddled with the radio and looked up at me when it landed on a country station. No doubt, he was waiting for me to swat his hand away from the console or to complain about the song selection, but today I was quiet.

Southern Boy Charm | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon