Chapter 28

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I made a trailer for this book and I attached it above! I hope that you guys enjoy it!


Without even realizing it, the summer flew right in front of my eyes. Hot, love struck days melted into one another, until all my memories of July were of Nick and I on the ranch, sun-kissed and in love. I didn't think that my feelings for him could grow more intense than they already had, but once again Nick defied the impossible. Every single time that I would glance at him, his wide grin shining at me, I would feel my heartbeat speed up. Like clockwork, all my feelings resurfaced, but with twice as much intensity than the last.

So, it is easy for me to want to stay in our little haven together, just us, our moms, and the ranch. But no matter how much I feel for him, staying in the same place all the time could get quite mundane. I might be a homebody, but even I draw the line somewhere. So, when he asked me if I wanted to go hang out with his friends again tonight, I happily obliged.

When we make our way into his rusted pick-up, its already night outside. I flick on the radio and turn the volume up on the country station. A couple of weeks ago I would have rather jumped out a moving car than listen to country music, but it has started to grow on me. However, Nick's favorite pastime is still bullying me for this, so I rest myself against his cloth seats and wait for the heckling to begin.

But he doesn't.

As I look at Nick, half confused and half grateful, I realize that he doesn't seem to be here at all. Sure, his gaze is on the road, but I can tell that his mind is elsewhere. The usual rambunctious Nick is replaced by a completely different person, this one more pensive and isolated.

"Are you okay?" I ask, placing my hand on top of his near the gear shift. "You seem out of it."

His eyes tear off the road, as if his thoughts were interrupted, and turn to mine. "I'm good. Don't worry about me."

He flashes me a smile, one that looks like his usual one, but not quite. In the beginning of the summer I would have been fooled, but now, knowing Nick as much as I do, I can tell that somethings missing. The smile may be there, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Okay," I say, because even though I know that he's lying, I know that he's not lying to me, but himself. Whatever it is that's bothering him, he isn't ready to talk about, and as worrying as that is, I have to respect that. But just so that he knows that I'm here and I care, I give his hand a squeeze.

The smile on the corner of his lips is real.


When Nick stops the car, we are at the train tracks, and I can feel my stomach flip inside. This place gives me a bad feeling, and I would have been fine if I never had to come back here again. I'm sure that concern is written all over my face, but Nick wouldn't know, considering that he doesn't give me a second glance before hopping out of the car. I trail after him, my concern and confusion only growing. Maybe he is mad at me?

The usual setup of lawn chairs is already assembled, with everyone sitting around the fire situated in the middle. When I approach, Nick has already taken his chair, and I sit in the only available seat. It's across from him, sandwiched between Sammy and Blair.

"If it isn't Leighton, the superfreak of a softball player," Bruce says with his usual goofy smile. "Lucky for you I've been training. I bet that if we went one-on-one right now, I could hit it farther."

I laugh. "I wouldn't even be too sure if you could hit the ball."

"Ouch," he says, gripping his chest. "Is this what you deal with everyday?" He asks, turning towards Nick. "How do you keep a high self-esteem?"

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