Chapter 21

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When I arrive at the treehouse, Nick isn't there. Or, at least, he doesn't seem to be. The door is slightly ajar, with the wind silently swaying it back and forth. I peek my head into the room, cautiously at first. I don't know where Nick is, but if he is there on the hammock or by the bookshelf, I wouldn't even know what to say.

Sorry for ditching you?

Or, even better: promise not to crush everything that we have over my misjudgment next time?

I know that a simple greeting card response won't be enough. Nick's trust is hard to gain but quick to lose. I don't know if he will ever let me back in again.

A lump forms in my throat. What if he doesn't? What if he decides that he's through me?

I wouldn't be able to handle it. Having to act like this, like us, never happened would eat me up inside.

No. Positive thoughts. He is going to listen to what I have to say and understand my perspective. He's a rational human being. Well, somewhat.

Either way, there's no need to worry.

Everything will work itself out.

But when my eyes scan the room for Nick, he's not there.

"Nick?" I call, hoping for an answer. "Are you there?"

Who am I kidding?

Even if Nick did hear me calling him, he wouldn't answer me anyway, and how could I blame him. I've treated him like nothing but a jerk today.

I close the door of the treehouse before heading outside yet again. The wind howls and nips at my skin, causing me to wrap my arms around me. Suddenly, I'm reminded that it's dark and cold and I'm in the middle of the freaking woods, but I can't seem to care.

My whole body has gone numb.

Today has been an emotional rollercoaster. It's crazy to think that just this morning Nick and I were in a better position than ever before. But now we're broken.

I want to hurry home and cuddle in a fuzzy blanket, but I restrain myself. Jack is probably still at the ranch, packing his belongings back into his car for the long trip to Ohio. I can't bear to run into him. After our encounter, and my own personal realization on the extent of my feelings for Nick, running into Jack would be the most awkward thing I've done yet. I would rather walk in the woods alone than have to endure that embarrassment.

So, I take the longer way back. Nick liked to nickname this way the Oregon Trail because he claims that it takes a month to get back to the ranch this way, but I happen to enjoy it. I see it as the scenic route. Besides, I have time to burn today.

I head off, weaving through the tree's skillfully. It's crazy how in only four months I can learn so much about their ranch. Despite the lack of a path, I know exactly where to go. Turn left at the large willow tree. Veer right when I see the three boulders stacked atop one another. Straight ahead at the creek, and...

Am I supposed to see the willow tree again?

I head left again just in case. But when I round by the same tree a third time, I realize that maybe I don't know exactly where to go.

Panic rises in my throat. Breathe Leighton, breathe. But no matter how many large gulps of air I take, my brain is not distracted from the fact that I'm lost in the woods in the middle of the night by myself. But this farm is remote, right? No one should be lurking in the woods.

Oh no.

That means that if someone is lurking in these woods, they are for sure a creep. I quicken my pace, turning right at the tree this time.

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