Chapter 37

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The chill of the night air is a welcomed contrast from the intense heat of the party. When we are able to finally claw our way out of the frat house and onto the sidewalk, it feels like I am able to breathe for the first time we've been here. College parties were one of the main things I should be enjoying as a freshman, but looking at the scrawny boy throwing up his dining hall meal all over the front bushes, I felt the already minute enjoyment fizzle out and die.

"I don't think I will ever want to set foot in another one of these parties again," I say turning towards Nick. "They're like hell in real life."

He laughs as he starts walking down the empty sidewalks. I fall into a familiar stride beside him. "C'mon, it wasn't that bad."

I gawk. "Oh really Mr. "I-thought-you'd-never-ask-to-leave?"

"I said that because I could tell that you hated it in there." His response makes me pause. He left because for me? Surely any friend would do that. But what if he didn't mean it as a friend?

He interrupts my thoughts. "I can tell from the wrinkles on your forehead that you're already reading too much into it. Don't worry, I was just trying to be a good friend. Plus, being sober in there wouldn't have been the most fun time for me either."

That makes sense. Just friends. There's no need to overcomplicate things like I always do. That's all he wants to be. Which is great, because that's all I want to be too.


"Do you want to make a quick detour before we head back?" he asks. I hesitate. It's already late out, plus I have so much I still need to do tomorrow. A good night's sleep would be great. I open my mouth to speak but he doesn't let me.

"Before you say no, remember that it's your first night at college. Don't you want to have an adventure?"

I want to say no, and not just because of my bed waiting for me back in the cramped dorm, but because I'm afraid of what will happen if I say yes to him. College was supposed to be my fresh start. A chance to better myself. But how can I do that if I fall into the same-old pattern with Nick that never seems to work?

But then I see the excitement in his eyes. It shines brighter than the view of the stars from atop our treehouse. It's enchanting, and from one look alone I know that my resolve to keep him an arm's length away is crumbling.

"Okay." I say, and the ear-splitting grin on his face instantly makes it worth it. "But where are we going?" I ask. He mimics zipping up his lips.

"I'm not telling you."

"But I hate-"

"Surprises," he finishes for me. "I know, but you're just going to have to suffer a little bit."

"But isn't being here with you suffering enough?"

He clutches his chest with his hand and makes his face contort into a look of extreme pain. "Wow, that one hurt Leighton. I don't remember you being so mean."

I laugh. "I don't remember you being so dramatic."

"It looks like we've both surprised each other."

As I think about the Nick that I met one year ago, stubborn, rude, uptight, and unhappy, and the Nick that is walking beside me today, I can't help but realize how true his statement really is.


Every business lining Main Street, with the exception of Insomnia Cookies and a twenty-four-hour pizza shop, is seemingly closed. I follow Nick to the front of a restaurant named, Vita la Vida, with white stone on the exterior and fake moss running up the front. It reminds me of the restaurant we went to on our first date, and just like that the memories of that night come rushing back to me. The light inside is dim and the seats are stacked up on the tables. When Nick reaches for the door, it's locked.

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