Chapter 10

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For the rest of the way there, Nick surprisingly speaks. And not his usual few words, but stories and jokes, and I find out so much more about him than I previously knew. Like how he has a pretty good sense of humor when he tries, most of the time with me as the butt of the joke, but I didn't mind much. He was all state-track, which would explain his crazy running skills, and most shocking of all to me, he had never attended a single school dance.

When we finally drive up to the field, people are already there. I can feel myself shrinking back into myself as we head towards them. Talking to new people isn't exactly my biggest forte. Nick looks down at my face and his face morphs to one of concern, his eyebrows crunched together, causing a wrinkle in the middle of his forehead. I want to tell him to not worry about my nervousness, but before I can he drapes his arm over my shoulder. "Don't worry," he whispers into my ear. "Annoyingly, my friends will like you."

Instinctively I relax, my shoulders no longer rigid. When I look up at him his scrunched expression is now one of ease. Nick trying to comfort my panic is something new to me, and because of it I decide not to call him out for his border-line insult.

But then I see her. The same tan, platinum haired girl from the shop, and I know right away why his arm is draped over me. Once again, I'm his tool to make her jealous, and for some reason it doesn't sit the same way with me as last time. Instead of feeling amused, I just feel used. I shimmy out of his embrace, and he looks at me, his eyes a mixture of confusion and hurt. It serves him well for using me.

When we finally arrive to the cluster of people, I'm surprised at how few people there truly are. There are only three girls, Sammy included, and four guys. A boy with dark features is the first to see us, and his face instantly morphs into an ear-splitting grin and Nick mirrors his.

"Is that Nick I see! It seems like I haven't seen you in forever," he wraps Nick in a hug and then rubs the top of his head. Instead of swatting him away like I expected him to, Nick just laughs pushing him off of him.

"And who is this? The boy asks turning towards me. My cheeks turn warm as the entire group focuses on me. "If I had known that Nick was bringing a pretty girl I would have worn my good hat"

"Ph, shut up Bruce," Nick jokes, his tone laced with an edge that sounds a lot like a warning. Sammy quickly cuts in, walking closer to the three of us.

"I already met her. This is Leighton, she's staying here for the summer." Something about here condescending tone, or the way that she speaks about me like I'm a child who can't speak for myself makes me want to step away from her. But maybe she did have good intentions, so I plaster a fake smile on my face.

"You really do know everyone," says Bruce, earning a proud smile from Sammy. "Well it's nice to meet you Leighton." His eyes sparkle as he says so. He's much more easy going than Nick, who's already chatting it up with the rest of his friends. Or maybe he's just tense around me.

Bruce introduces me to everyone else there, since Nick apparently can't be bothered, before hurrying us to get playing. When it comes to picking teams, Nick and Bruce are the captains. Nick gets first pick and I wait for him to call Sammy or anyone of the guys, but he calls me instead.

"You're picking the girl first?" Bruce complains. "Are you just trying to set yourself up with an excuse when you lose?" I want to tell him off and let him know how good of an athlete I am but decide against it. It's always more entertaining to prove them wrong in action. Besides, I always appreciate a little fire inside of me before a game. Nick sneaks me a smile, both of us enjoying our little secret.

Bruce chooses Sammy next, claiming that he wanted to even the playing field, before continuing on with the rest of the picking. In all, our team ends us with one other guy, Zach, and another girl Blair who seems nice enough. Bruce's team consists of two other guys that I can't seem to remember their names, and Sammy, who doesn't seem so happy to not be on our team.

Despite any player combination that they have, I'm confident that I'll be able to beat them. We make our way to the diamond and our team goes to bat. The usual rush of adrenaline streaming through me veins as I await the game to start. This, right here, is my favorite part of playing. The anticipation of the unknown outcome.

The game goes on, Nick managing to get two runs for our team. But despite our best efforts, Bruce's team tied it, with Bruce and another guy, Max, each scoring a run. I go to bat last with Bruce pitching. He lobs me an easy throw and I step out of the way, intentionally missing it.

"This isn't Little League!" I call to the pitcher's mound. "Pitch like you mean it!" His lips curl up onto a smirk before he winds it up, pitching what he probably thinks is a record-breaking fastball.

I see the ball coming towards my bat and within a second, I already now that I'm going to hit it out of the park. The familiar smack sounds as the ball connects with my bat at just the right point, and the ball flies, way past 2nd base and far into the field.

I savor this moment, the look of surprise on everyone's faces, and most of all, the admiration on Nick's as everyone traces the path of the ball with their eyes. I throw the bat to the floor and take off towards the bases, hitting first, then second, then third, before finally touching home plate, the other team just now retrieving the ball. My team cheers me on as I return, and Zack and Nick lift me up, setting me atop their shoulders.

"She's just a girl my ass!" Nick calls out to Bruce through the excitement, and the pride building inside me swells. The way he looks up at me, a bright crooked smile on his face, is enough to make my heart melt. I want to pause this moment, take a mental picture of it, and remember it for whenever he seems to get his usual moody attitude.

"That was just beginners' luck," Bruce says. I can't wait to correct him, but Nick beats me to the punch.

"Is beginners' luck what's getting her a college softball scholarship?" Nick says, setting me down from atop his shoulders. His arm wrapped around me as he set me on the ground, and instinctively, I snuggled into his arm. I don't know why it's so easy for me to let go around him, and his defending my honor is only making it easier.

Bruce's face morphs into one of shock and admiration. "That is definitely cheating."

"Stop moping so we can go to the train tracks." My brows furrow. We're taking a train? Nick looks down at me, his arm still draped around me. "We go the train tracks after our games and have a bonfire. It's a lot of fun, don't worry." He looks at me waiting for y confirmation. "If you don't want to go we don't have to."

I can't lie, talking to new people isn't really my forte, but his friends seem so nice, and I can tell that he really wants to go. Besides, I don't know anyone here except for hi and Kelly, and it would be nice if I could go my summer without only speaking to two other people. So, I put my anxiousness aside and give him a slight nod of my head, which earns me a wide smile from him. And I knew that I would do just about anything to get another one of those out of him.

"Next time I call dibs on her," Brody says, his voice still audible despite him walking in front of us. I can't tell if I'm imagining it, but I swear I could feel Nick hold me just a little bit tighter.

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