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My body consumes rage that I didn't know I was capable of having. The increasing heart rate was enough for someone to go into a full-blown heart attack or stroke. The adrenaline my body was producing came through me unannounced.

I've never felt anything like it. Him mentioning Cassie in that intimate way was the last straw. Before I knew it, I clenched my fist against my hands and lunged toward him, pushing him across the coffee table—full of weed and alcohol.

Everyone gasps, trying to break us apart or taking their phones out for a decent recording. Because that's more important to stupid high school kids. Marcus is able to lift himself off the floor to swing another punch to my jaw. He barely hit my skin as I ducked and went after his face as well. Blood flies from his mouth as my knuckles graze his unshaven skin. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, staring at the red liquid.

"Come on pussy, is that the best you got?"

"What is going on?" Anderson shouts, making his way down the stairs with Sydney.

"Andy to the rescue," he chuckles, still wiping away the blood from his lip.

I straighten myself up, leaning against the couch. "You were right, Anderson. He can't be trusted."

"And you think you can trust him?"

"What?" I look at him confused.

"Cassie didn't tell me about this deal between you two, Andy here did."

I look back from Marcus to Anderson. He is standing there with his arms crossed looking embarrassed.

"Why did you tell him?"

His shoulders shrugged. "I'm sorry Luca, I was upset with you at the time, and I vented to him about it. I didn't think he would do something like this."

"Of course, he would have. He's so obsessed with her; I should have known how fake he was... this whole time."

Scott was right.

"I should go find Cassie." Sydney mumbles, pulling away from Anderson.

"No, I will."

I storm through the basement, pushing past Anderson to walk upstairs as I hear Marcus' voice descend through the air.

"Cassie will NEVER be with someone like you so remember that!"

His words sit deeper within me, right down to my soul. A part of me that I never wanted my doubts to enter.

But here I am.

Grabbing a half empty bottle of whiskey that is lying on the cold tile floor. I've never tried whiskey before, so, here's nothing. A few sips in and I think I'm doing all right. Of course, I'm gagging with every sip I take, but I manage not to puke.

My head starts to feel lightheaded and it's hard for me to catch my balance. I quickly walk away from the corner I was standing in and make my way into the living room, sitting down on a black leather sofa. The music creeps in louder as I lay my head against the back of the couch, staring up into the ceiling.

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