12 | butterfly kisses

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t/w; mentions of past torture and experimentation 

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t/w; mentions of past torture and experimentation 


Over the course of the next few days, each of us have had at least one training session with Charles, working on our abilities and strengthening ourselves for when the real fight begins. Alex practically destroyed the underground Nuclear bunker with his rays of energy; Hank learned to embrace his large feet and ran 600 laps around the lake in 30 minutes; Raven strengthened her core by working out in the weight room, and now we all hang out of a window to watch Sean fly.

He sits atop the ledge of the window, looking down at the green hedge that will hopefully lighten his fall if he fails. Attached to his arms is a ridiculous yellow and black pair of fabric wings that Hank told me would help him gain air so he could soar like a bird. In my opinion, the fabric looks very flimsy, but I trust Hank, so I don't say anything. Charles, Sean, and Hank are in the first window, while Raven, Alex, Erik and I look out the other one. Erik moves so I can have a better view (sometimes it pays being the short one), and I hang out of the opening. Sean looks like he's about to vomit, but when our eyes meet, I give him a soft smile and reach out with my mind. Underneath his confident facade, fear boils in his bones.

It wriggles it's way through his body, and where his throat restricts, I feel his pain. After his success in breaking the wood two days ago, Sean and I have been spending a little more time together. The thought makes me blush. We both seem to be early risers, finding each other in the kitchen at 6 in the morning. He always makes delicious cups of coffee, and we play a card game while we wait for the others to get up.

This morning he told me about how his throat has been killing him, twinging at inopportune moments, and it feels like it's closing in on itself. I didn't know what to say, so all I did was touch his hand and try to calm his mind. I felt the pain. I felt the agony constrict my throat. I felt what it was like to use his powers, just as I did weeks ago, when we first met. Relief and pain, relief and pain, relief and pain.

I couldn't help it. I blurted out the question that had haunted me for days. "Why are you doing this then?"

He'd looked at me like I was crazy.

I'd stared deep into his eyes, wanting -- no, needing -- a proper answer. "If it hurts you so much why are you here? Why are you fighting?"

Sean sighed. I'd never seen him so despondent. His head bowed with his hands wringing in front of him, he looked nothing like the mischievous boy I'd known back at the facility. I immediately regretted asking.

"My family doesn't like what I can do." Sean said, running his hands through his strawberry blonde hair. "When I accidentally broke my sister's fish tank, they made me swear to never do it again."

I frown. A small, guilty part of me thinks that would be the greatest thing ever, to not use my powers. What I would have given to not use my abilities for one day while I was with Shaw. To not feel the shadows overtake me.

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