04 | are we weapons?

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"The Presence of US Missiles in Turkey represents an unprecedented threat to the people of the Soviet Union..." The American news commentator said from the small boxed television set. Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw sat across from it, watching intently. 

So far, everything was going as planned. Soon it would all be in place, and Mutant kind would finally become the superior race over mankind. And yet Shaw was still angry. His stomach still twisted, and his hands trembled with unused energy. He took a sip of his brandy.

"Warned Russian Foreign Minister Gromyko earlier today." Shaw felt a hint of satisfaction, but his smile never reached his eyes. "But he was quick to insist the Russians would not be the first to initiate any Military action." the satisfaction disappeared. A spark gone out in an instant.

Emma looked at him, slightly angered.

Shaw said. "Yeah, we'll fix that as soon as we get to Russia."

"Unless the CIA finds us first." Emma replied. Shaw didn't let his frustration show. He didn't want to think about the CIA right now. He didn't want to think about where she was at all. His greatest asset. His greatest weapon. Gone in an instant.

"I'll take care of them too." Shaw replied.

Emma flicked her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulder. "If that Telepath gets inside your head, he won't be as much fun as I am."

Shaw smiled. "Already in hand, my love." He got up and walked over to the mahogany desk. A large black box sat atop it. Shaw opened the case to reveal an exquisite ebony metal helmet. He picked it up as if he were coddling a child and turned around. Emma looked at him expectantly. He put the helmet on his head. The metal was cool against his skin, and it fit perfectly.

"The Russians," he said, showing the helmet to her. "Made me this." He looked at Emma gleefully. "So, what am I thinking?"

Emma stared at him intently, her eyes narrowed. She placed a hand on her hip, looking at his forehead harder. As she tried, Shaw thought if his new helmet would keep Leena out. The girl didn't know the extent her mutation went to. She dealt in emotions, not thoughts, and Shaw had been unable to find a way to keep her power out using the helmet. He just hoped she didn't practice using her ability. That she was still the weakened girl he saved all those years ago. If she learned to control it, she would have a power to rival his own.

Emma loosened, visibly distraught. Shaw smiled. "I don't know." He chuckled. He wouldn't tell Emma, but he had partly gotten the helmet to block her out as well. Shaw didn't like anyone getting inside his head, so he acquired the helmet as a precaution.

"I was thinking that you are the most exquisite thing I've ever seen in my life." Emma smiled, showing her perfect teeth. A part of Shaw knew he was lying, but he needed her on his side.

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