15 | morning glory

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t/w: panic attack and mentions of the word su*cide

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t/w: panic attack and mentions of the word su*cide


I don't sleep for the rest of the night. Instead, I sit at the window seat, gazing out across the lawn of the manor I might never see again. Erik's words last night ring around my head like a merry go round. I care about you, I care about you, I care about you. I take a shaky breath as the sun seeps into the grass, morning dawns bright and glorious. That's why I have to kill Shaw.

I look down at the watch around my wrist, the large hand moves to the 7, and I sigh. It's time to get up fully. It's time to prepare. Time to face Shaw. The thought brings a new wave of nausea crashing down on me, but that's not all. I roll my shoulders and get up from where I sit, wiping the drowsiness out of my eyes.

Not only am I terrified, but I am also determined. We are going to take down Shaw today. We are going to stop him and his Hellfire club. We are going to bring this to an end, once and for all. I'm already dressed, having changed after 30 minutes of trying to fall back asleep. I'd needed to be ready, because I couldn't lie there any longer, my thoughts devouring me every moment I closed my eyes.

There is a clamor behind the door, and then a knock. I stretch out my stiff limbs, wipe my tear-stained eyes, and open it. When I see who it is, I almost call for help, because I don't recognize them. But then she smiles, and I curse myself for being so stupid.

"Ready?" Raven asks me. I take a good look at her before I respond. Something has changed, because the Raven I'm looking at doesn't have the luscious golden locks or pale, creamy skin that I've grown used to. Instead it's replaced with sapphire blue skin adorned with intricate shapes, a shock of fiery red hair slicked back to reveal her enchanting, cat-like eyes. Though it's drastically different than what I know, I can't deny that she looks pretty amazing.

"Ye-yes," I say, stumbling over my words. "Very ready." Raven grins, then holds out a hand.

"Good." she says. "Let's go." I grab her hand and we prance downstairs into the foyer, then down the hall to where everyone has gathered around Hank's laboratory. Alex and Sean stand at the back, looking incredibly unprepared. Sean winks at me, but nothing about it seems genuine. Raven pushes her way to stand behind Erik and Charles, who stand at the front. Moira clings to Charles' side.

They're terrified, I can sense their fear floating off their bodies. It only enhances my own, and I hold my breath, biting my lip at the cold rush that washes over me. When I get to the front, standing in between Charles and Erik. There is a white slip of paper taped to the entrance, and that's when I realize he's not with the rest of us.

The paper reads: Gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked X. We all stare at it for a second, then Charles rips the paper down and opens the door. He walks inside hastily, then immediately stops, transfixed by whatever sight lays in front of him. We all quickly move around Charles to see what's the matter.

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