36 | old friends and new beginnings

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THE CLINK OF MUGS AND roasted smell of coffee surrounds me like a fog.

The busy London streets are abuzz with noise. The honk of horns and the ring of bicycles. The chatter of old friends and the laughter of small children. It all mixes together to create a perfect symphony of life.

I sit on the patio of the little cafe, a coffee in my hand. It's barely been drunk, as I'm too distracted by the sounds of the world around me. I lean back in my chair, my hair pulled back into a half up half down. It's grown out a bit, and I'll need to cut it soon.

It's been a couple months since I left the White House, walking away from the life I'd created at the manor house, with my fellow mutants. Since then, I've been travelling. The first place I went to was a hospital, to help with my injuries. My foot still isn't fully healed, and the doctors said it might never be. I walk with a limp now. While not that noticeable, it affects how long I'm able to stand. Every once in a while, the muscles will tense up, and the world will focus in on the pain.

Next, I went to Canada, hoping to find answers on where Logan went, but I've found nothing. The world seems to have forgotten the incident with the President and Bolivar Trask, who was arrested a couple weeks back for selling government secrets.

Even my own memory is fuzzy, thinking back on the time I spent at the manor, those few weeks with Logan. Even now, I think back on it, trying to remember why Logan showed up, and why we helped him. I know it had something to do with saving mutantkind, but why?

I shake my head and return back to watching the streets. I take a sip of my now cold coffee, letting the rich liquid tickle my throat. Despite the warm weather, I'm in a long cardigan, hiding the scars that run up my arms.

It's funny how some things never change.

Either way, for some strange reason, my heart is no longer as heavy as it once was. I don't know if it's because the world is saved again from the destruction mutant kind can bring upon it, or rather just that I've finally found a sense of freedom.

The little girl that wanted nothing more than to fly away has now achieved her dreams. She hasn't grown wings, but she's far away from harm now. The man who hurt her is dead, the people she loved are finally at peace, and now I am able to go wherever I want.

The world is in the palm of my hands, and I've never felt so alive.

"Leena." I jolt upright as the whispering voice calls from all around me. Quickly, I peer around, craning my neck to see who's calling my name. Immediately, alarms blare inside my head, and my eyes narrow, searching every face that is in my vicinity.

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