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Something most people didn't know about Jaelyn Wittemore, is that she loved fear. Even as a child, the adrenalin rush that came with fear was an adamant obsession.

So that's why when her lawyer father called to tell Jaelyn and her twin brother, Jackson, that a body had been found in the Beacon Hills preserve warning them to stay inside, Jaelyn went for ice cream. Besides there was no way she was about to spend her last night of summer holed up with Jackson.

Cautiously Jaelyn drove near the edge of the woods, using her knees to steer while she scooped vanilla ice cream into her mouth.
"Mmmm," she hummed her tongue glazed with the sweet taste of cold sugar and defiance. Jaelyn had decided to turn her father's warning into an adventure, where as Jackson had stayed home no doubt pre-preparing for the first day of school tomorrow. To some that was probably the only difference between the Whittemore twins, Jaelyn's love for fear verses Jackson's love for perfection. Other than that they both had the same quick whit and pompous attitude. But they hated to admit they were anything alike, especially Jaelyn.

She continued to drive down the dark road, which only seemed to go strait the farther she saw through the slight mist ahead. Adrenalin flowed through Jaelyn's veins as she surveyed the nearly perfect setting around her. The dark backdrop of night spreading to the top of the tallest trees in the preserve, and the slight drizzle of rain making Jaelyn look like she was in a scene from an old horror movie. How perfectly eerie, Jaelyn thought. She continued to enjoy her ice cream as she hummed along to an overplayed radio song.

It was curiosity that had brought Jaelyn out at this time of night, when she really should be resting. Curiosity of what was really to fear in Beacon Hills. The blonde looked away from the road for a quick second in order to place her ice cream in the cup holder.

By the time she regained focus on the road ahead it was too late, and Jaelyn was met with the eyes of a herd of deer. Maybe four or five had darted out of the woods stoping in the middle of the road. Their ears perked listening to their surroundings as they so blatantly stared into the headlights of Jaelyn's oncoming car. She hit her breaks swerving wildly in every direction. It was only for a second until Jaelyn was finally able to regain control, getting her car back on track. Frantically she surveyed the road for any more deer that decided to block her path, but they were all long gone.

Jaelyn sighed, falling back into the headrest with a look of distress in her eyes. Some people might have been relieved that they hadn't run over any deer, though Jaelyn couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty in her head. It didn't seem at all normal how the deer had ran out into middle of the street, more than aware of Jaelyn's car but simply not caring. Her heart rate began to increase and the darkness seemed to set in. Jaelyn couldn't ignore the feeling she had that crept up her spine and spread all the way down to her shaking knees.

Against all better judgment Jaelyn stopped the car opening the door and stepping out into the rain. Wrapping her arms around herself due to the slight breeze and cold rain, she really wasn't dressed appropriately in shorts, flip flops, and a thin UCLA hoodie. Fully aware that she probably looked like that one dumb bimbo in all of those horror movies, you know the one that gets killed first. But Jaelyn had to know what was going on, and if her surroundings could tell her it was worth the risk.

Looking to the side of the road Jaelyn noticed the muddy tracks from the deer begin to wash away. She reached down brushing her fingering over the hove prints. Her hand had a slight shaking to it and Jaelyn was begging to feel the presents of fear throughout her body. Not the fear she was accustomed to, but a fear that made her feel empty. It was like all the adrenalin she'd been caring before had been sucked out of her body. It wasn't hard to sense that something was off, something was going on in Beacon Hills, something bad.

The sound of fast movement through the trees pulled Jaelyn from her trance and she looked up to meet the presence of a tall figure. It was a boy, his hair dripping down into his face and his red sweatshirt and jeans were covered in mud. Jaelyn continued to watch the boy as he lifted his shirt, a scarlet liquid covered one side of his torso clear even in the dark night.

Jaelyn recognize the liquid as blood forming around a large open wound.
Her heartbeat raced and for a fleeting moment she began to worry that a killer was really on the lose and coming for them. But the thought went away as the boy turned to look at her, his biggest problem at the moment seeming to be that Jaelyn had just seen the wound at his side.

She wanted to call out to the boy, ask him if he was ok. But her words got caught in her throught and the only sound herd through the dark night was a low howl.

Jaelyn looked up into the tall mass of trees trying to decipher what animal could have possibly made that sound. Maybe a stray dog, who knows. It was only a moment before Jaelyn remembered the boy and his injury. She turned to look back at him and make sure he was ok. But it was too late, the boy was long gone.

Okay friends so this is my first fanfic on Wattpad and this could either go really bad or really well. We will just have to wait and see.

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