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Jaelyn Whittemore and Allison Argent were not as different as they might have thought.

Though Jaelyn could be consider more outgoing and vivacious, and Allison more quiet and reserved, the two girls still had many interchangeable attributes.

For example, both girls were undoubtable beautiful and incredible intelligent. They both went to the same high school and got good marks in all of the same courses, and they were both crushing hard on Scott McCall, lacrosse hottie.

Though the thing they were most parallel on was the equal amount of mess that both of their lives had become in the past few months, mostly due to the aforementioned 'lacrosse hottie' Scott McCall.

Allison Argent had recently witnessed her house being raided by the Beacon Hills police force due to the spontaneous revelation by Jaelyn Whittemore that Allison's father, Chris Argent, and aunt, Kate Argent, had been the ones who had shoot Jaelyn a few weeks back. Her aunt narrowly escaped custody, and her father was taken to jail. The police had found only a small trace of aconite in the Argent's gun cellar, but either way it did not look good for Chris, and was enough to issue and arrest.

Allison had begun to give up all hope that things would one day make sense, and that her family would be whole again. That was until Kate Argent made a stunning and some what ominous appearance. A few hours after escaping the police, Kate had managed to find Allison and tell her that there was something she needed to see, something that would explain it all.

Kate then took Allison to an underground tunnel of sorts, a very dingy little space Allison had never been before. When they finally came across a door Kate turned around, a slight smile on her face.

"lets start with the basics," Kate said, "you know how every family has its secret's, ours are a little different."

Kate pulled open the door in the tunnel to reveal a dark room, she then made her way over to a light and flicked it on. Allison could see clearly now, and in the middle of that dark room was a creature like no other, a wild beast. That 'wild beast' barring a striking resemblance to Derek Hale. Kate then looked at Allison, smiling, and then said the most frightening words Allison had ever heard.

"Isn't he beautiful?"

Hours later, on the other side of town and far away from Kate Argents hide-out, Jaelyn Whittemore also had an abundance of issues to deal with. After all the recent werewolf hunter drama surrounding Jaelyn, all she wanted was a few hours away from it all in order find the perfect formal dress to match her golden locks, and to have the perfect night with Scott. But Scott had to go off and get a bunch of bad grades and was now no longer permitted to attend the BHHS formal. Not to mention that her dress shopping experience had been ruined by Peter Hale, the werewolf alpha currently wreaking havoc on Beacon Hills. Peter had shown up while Jaelyn was shopping, trying to make Jaelyn a deal. In exchange for Scotts freedom, Jaelyn would have to allow Peter to give her the bite, turning her into a werewolf as well.

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