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"So tell me, how long have you known your boyfriend is a werewolf?"

As soon as the words left Jacksons Whittemore's mouth, it was like the world around Jaelyn jolted to a stop. She was frozen in time, caught in the middle of a nightmare. Her twin brother, of all people, had figured out Scott's secret. This would surly just cause more problems for Jaelyn and the people she cared about.

Things weren't suppose to go this way, this was the last thing Jaelyn nor Scott needed. With the alpha still causing a mess, and the Argents with their fingers constantly on the trigger, Jackson was just more fule added to the wild fire.

Jaelyn had no clue how to handle the situation, her mind drew a blank and she was stuck with fear. Slowly she opened her mouth, letting words chosen by random tumble out.

"What are you talking about Jackson? Werewolves don't exist." Deny everything, that was Jaelyns strategy. Werewolves were a far fetched idea anyway, maybe Jackson would drop the whole idea.

Though the male Whittemore twin was confident in his conclusion about Scott, and he wasn't letting things go any time soon.

"Don't try that Jaelyn, no matter what you say I know the truth. Scott is a werewolf and you've known all this time!" Jaelyn wished she could deny that fact as well, but she could see the stubbornness behind Jacksons eyes. It would be harder for both of them if she didn't give in.

"How did you find out?" Jaelyn finally asked, figuring now was the time to demand answers.

"It wasn't that hard actually. See Derek Hale showed up at the school a couple weeks ago, he kept asking for Scott. I may have gotten a little mouthy with him and he scratched me on my neck. When I went to the doctors to get the scratches checked out, they told me I had aconite poisoning, like you. But do you know what else aconite poisoning is called Jaelyn? Wolves Bane. It's not that hard to put two and two together, not to mention Scott suddenly dominating at lacrosse. I've got to say sis, you know how to pick em'."

Jaelyn sneered at Jackson, how could she have missed this? With all of the problems swirling around her, it's no wonder that this slipped under her radar.

"So what now Jackson? Are you going to expose Scott's secret, ruin his life? And for what, because he's better then you at lacrosse?"

"I'm not that uncreative Jaelyn, I have plans for this discovery." Could things get any worse? Jaelyn thought. Jackson was a pompous, and obsessive perfectionist. The mind of someone like him could only construct that of selfish thoughts.

"And what are these plans?" Jaelyn asked. Jackson just smirked.

"I want something from Scott that only he can give me, and as long as he does, his secret stays safe."

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