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Have you ever had that moment, when you just want to hurt someone and make them feel as horrible as you do? Weather it's jealousy, pain, anger you just want them to feel something. It not because you're a heartless bitch or whatever else people might think, it's a basic human reaction to being screwed over. And right now Jaelyn Whittemore was feeling pretty human.
To use a sports term, lightly, the shot is wide open and you've just got to take it.

"I thought I herd an animal," Jaelyn sneered, "should have known it was you."

She walked slowly towards a flustered Allison Argent whom looked up from her phone. Allison was first aware of Jaelyn's presence, then her face turned white with embarrassment at what she had just insinuated.

"Excuse me?" Allison asked insulted. Of course Jaelyn ignored her feeble attempt to make light of what was happening and went on with her insults. Jaelyn wanted Allison to feel the way she had when Scott had told her she'd made a pass at him, crushed.

"You know Allison I never pegged you as a deciteful bitch-"

"What I-" Jaelyn quickly silenced her rebuttal.

"But I guess that just means I like to give people the benefit of the doubt," Jaelyn said. Allison looked taken back but it slowly faded to a look of anger. She could read between the lines, and knew that her not-so-subtle pass at Scott hadn't stayed between them. Allison hadn't known Jaelyn for long but even someone like her wasn't a super bitch without reason. That's why Allison didn't feel guilty when flirting with Scott. The real Jaelyn, the one Allison was seeing right now, didn't deserve a guy like him.

Of course that wasn't Jaelyn's view on the whole ordeal.

"At first when Scott told me what you'd said I was hurt, then angry, then just curious. I mean what kind of no neck bitch would go after some other girls boyfriend, no less a girl who they could consider a friend?" Jaylen asked.

It was an honest question, besides the fact that Allison was literally the spawn of Satan Jaelyn had never treated her like, or much less seen her as an enemy. Honestly Jaelyn thought she was sweet, and to know that Allison had flirted with her boyfriend, only made it hurt that much more.

"I don't know if I'd ever considered us friends," Allison said trying to keep up a strong front. Though it was quite obvious that she was at a loss of what to do, like a dear caught in the headlights.

"Really, because you had no problem acting like my friend back when I tried to give you advice." Allison would probably be the perfect hunter, if she isn't already, Jaelyn thought. She's absolutely incapable of emotion.


"But that's beside the point, you hit on my boyfriend knowing we were dating and I'm not too happy about that. See Allison I really don't do catty anymore, that's some freshman year bullshit, but I can make an exception." Allison backed up as Jaelyn proceeded forward towards her.

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