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Before Friday night Jaelyn never got the whole 'nerves thing', she just assumed it was for losers and spineless nerds.

But now standing in the sea of discarded clothes and random high heels, she kind of got it. It was almost comical that Scott McCall, a guy she just met, could make Jealyn feel this way. She was a confident girl sure of herself and what she wanted but when it came to Scott it was like everything she knew was suddenly washed away.

After nearly two hours of searching for the perfect outfit Jaelyn settled on a army green jacket she'd bought at Macy's, a black graphic tank, dark skinny jeans, and black pumps. The blonde stood adding some last minute touches, finishing just in time to hear the the doorbell ring.

"Jay, your boy toy is here," Jackson called from downstairs. Jaelyn took one last look in the mirror before grabbing her phone off the bed and heading downstairs. Jackson stood in the hall primping his hair.

"Be careful, I hear guys like him are dangerous," he said not bothering to look Jaelyn in the eye.

"What do you mean?"

"You really don't see it?" Jackson chuckled. Jaelyn was lost, and Jackson was acting like an ass.

"He's on steroids Jay!" Jackson practically yelled. Jaylen rolled her eyes, she could see right through Jackson and knew exactly what he was doing. Jackson isn't really the 'brotherly protector' type. Frankly some days Jaelyn doubted he gave a rats ass about her at all.

"Oh come on Jaelyn, he can't be kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost" The door bell rang again but rather than going to answer it Jaelyn stood staring at her twin brother, her arms crossed in anger.

"You know what Jackson, you are an egotistical ass and can't stand the fact the someone, somewhere might just be better than you!" And with that Jaylen turned her back on Jackson opening the door.

Scott stood with his hands in his pockets surveying the nice house.

"Hey," Jaelyn said smiling at the boy. He looked a bit nervous and all together uncomfortable. Mostly due to the fact that Jackson stood menacingly behind them watching McCall like a hawk. Scotts stomach was in knots and all he could think about was the fact that any moment now Jackson Wittemore could ruin everything, or already has. The Girl noticed Scott's wondering eyes and stepped between the open space blocking Jackson from Scott's view.

"Ready to go?" Jaelyn asked sweetly.

"You look amazing," Scott breathed. Jaelyn reached her hand out and Scott took it without a beat, it felt natural like this was how it was meant to be.


The party was at Lydia's house and about a hundred people had shown up. Jaelyn lead Scott by the hand out to the backyard, everyone was dancing and grinding against each other.

"You wanna dance?" Jaelyn asked. Scott surveyed the crowd unsure of his answer. He wasn't really a bad dancer, but he wasn't good.

"Um, sure," he said. Jaelyn gave him a devilish smile leading Scott out to the dance floor. On their way Scott bumped into April Morgan, the class slut. She turned grinning at him like a treasurer cat.

"Scott McCall isn't it, you were awesome in the scrimmage today." April placed her hand on Scotts shoulder running it gingerly down his chest.

"You know Scott I've wanted to hang out with you for a long time," April slurred. The liquid in her cup was sloshing over the rim and she kept stumbling into Scotts chest.

Jaelyn went red with anger. Her eyes squinted and she tightened her grip on Scotts hand. April was making a drunken fool of herself but that still didn't excuse her conquest towards Scott.

"Back off April, he doesn't want to catch your skank." And with that Jaelyn turned around continuing to drag Scott onto the dance floor.

"That was, intense," Scott said. Jaelyn turned towards him wrapping her arms lazily around his neck.

"She was making a pass at you, and trust me she's never even noticed you before." Scott nodded along, gaining the confidence to grip Jaelyn's waist.

"True, but neither have you." Jaelyn didn't say anything, and for second Scott thought he went too far.

"Yes, but I am now," and then she smiled, "and I have all the right motives." Scott and Jaelyn continued to dance, she moved her hands around the base of his next and let their body's move into each other. Even though they were so close Scott still couldn't believe that he was here with her. Jaelyn Wittemore a girl who was confident, beautiful, and sometimes too cunning for her own good.

"Do you want to go someplace private, someplace we could talk?" Jaelyn asked. Scotts heart began beating fast and he felt like he was drunk, even though he hadn't had one single drink.
Jealyn lead Scott into one of Lydia's guest bedrooms pulling them down so they sat next to each other on the queen sized bed. Even the small touch of there knees was enough to drive Scott crazy.

"You know Scott, you might just be the first guy to look at me like I'm more than just a piece of ass." It's true, Scott looked at Jaelyn like she was the most amazing girl in the world, and he was sure she didn't realize how amazing she truly was.

"Maybe I'm the first guy you've ever really shown yourself to." Jaelyn thought back to the vet clinic, when she cried in front of Scott. It might have just been for a moment but Jaelyn believed that people hid there true sleeves in their weakness and pent up emotions, Jaelyn had a lot of those. Confidence was only Jaelyn's elusion and Scott has seen right through it.

Jaelyn placed her hand on Scotts cheek bringing them close together. Their noses were the first thing that touched, their lips soon following. The kiss was soft at first but became needy, like they were drowning and each others lips are a breath of sweet air. Jaelyn brought her body over Scotts both of them lying into the bed. She reached her hands under Scotts shirt running her fingers over his abdomen. Jaelyn was now fully straddling him and there torsos were sticking together melting into one another's. Scott wrapped his hands around Jaelyn's waist pushing her body farther down into his grinding their denim clad together.

It was everything a teenage boy should want, dry humping a hot girl with all the time in the world to take things farther. But something was off, his head was pounding and it felt like someone was trying to rip the limbs from his body. He had to get out of here, he had to leave before things turned bad.

Scotts hands moved from Jaelyn's hips rolling her over and off of him. He shot up, his headache becoming sufficiently worse. Scott reached his hands up to his head, clawing his hair and he struggled through his blurry vision trying to find the door.

"Scott are you ok?" Jaelyn asked. She stood up placing her hand on Scotts shoulder, but he shook it off flinging the door open and rushing into the hall.

"Scott wait-" Jaelyn called. But he was already far ahead of her and seemed like he knew were he was going, where as Jaelyn was utterly clueless.

"Scott," she tried agin making her way threw the sea of party goers. Scott continued to flee until he was at his car opening the door and taking off without a second thought.

Jaelyn wanted to scream, she always messed things up. She probably pushed Scott too far and now he thought she was some nut job. Jaelyn was overbearing, and too cunning for her own good and sometimes that gets you into trouble. She was ready to just start waking home when someone called her name.


She turned, a guy, probably in his twenties, stood beside her.

"I'm a friend of Scotts," Jaelyn gave him a questionable glance and he spoke agin, "my names Derek."

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