Chapter 11

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I just want to say I'm so excited abt season 4. I stil don't have quite figure out what I'll put there (some ideas would be nice, ngl) but I'm really excited to fight Praimfaya with Clarke, Lexa, and you guys. Here we go...

After all of us calmed down, I decided to get down. Bellamy proposed to be with me and I agreed. We wanted to use the elevator, but it still didn't work, probably becuase there was no one to push it, not yet. So, we had to use stairs. It took us a while, but after a few minutes we got on the main square, the one in front of the tower.

The view we saw was horrifying. To start there was a lot of blood everywhere, a lot of dead people laid on the gorund, some of them surrounded by sobbing persons, grieving their loss. People were also taking off of the crosses, I saw Indra on one of them, fortunately she was alive. But then my attention caught Lincoln and Octavia who were sitting on some bench. I saw a pain on his face and then noticed that Octavia was actually holding a hand on his stomach, like she tried to stop the bleeding. His face was pale, and from the possible wound blood was soaking, a lot of it. I fastly run to them and squatted to Lincoln.

"What happened to him?" I asked Octavia, for a second looking at her and then at the wound. She took her hand off it and helped me pull up his shirt.

"He got stabbed by one of Alie's people. He said it was fine and we got here, btu then he fell and I saw that it was certainly not fine," Octavia gasped out. She was really panicking.

I looked at the wound, it didn't look nice, nor fine. Besides of blood there was also pus, which meant he got stabbed on something important or the knife was infected.

"Bandage," I raised my hand to Bellamy who was holding some. He fastly gave me that and as gentle as I could I bandaged his wound. The blood was already soaking in slowly. I sighed and stood up. Octavia looked hopefully into my eyes. "We need to get him out of here as fast as we can. He needs the medicine from Arkadia, he won't survive without them."

She looked shocked at me. Then she just bent down to Lincoln, and smiled, softly. I saw tears in her eyes, but she blinked to stop them, and only few got out. Lincoln slowly put his hand on her cheek and wiped them out. She took his hand in one, another one carresed his cheek.

"I'm not gonna let you die. You're gonna be fine," she said, assuredly. But it sounded more like she tried to assured herself more than him. "We're gonna get you out of here as soon as we can. I'm gonna get Abby now, okay?" He just nodded, weakly. He was in really bad state.

I turned around to Bellamy as she fastly ran to find my mum. Once again I looked around. Those people were so miserable right now.

"How do we tell these people that the world is ending after everything they've been through?" I asked him.

He just shook his head for no. "We don't. Not until we know Alie was telling you the truth."

I sighed. "It was the truth."

"Still, keep it to ourselves until we know what we're dealing with and how to stop it." He had a good point. He looked around, too. "Damn."

I realized something. "You're afraid of how people will react."

"Yes," he nodded. "Besides, I could use a break from keeping you alive." He smirked. I sighed again. I was so exausted. "You gave them back their pain, Clarke," I looked at them all. "Let's not add to it by telling them they're gonna die in 6 months." I nodded, eventually. "Good. Once everyone's down, we go home, we get to work. We didn't survive this long just to let a little radiation takes us out." I stared at him, thinking of his pep talk. Another thing we have to survive. World only keeps us busy. We took care of Alie, we can as well take care of this whole radiation thing.

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