Chapter 16

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Clarke's POV

I pulled on my shirt and slowly stood up from the bed.

"Sneaking out of your own room?" I heard behind me and a smile appeared itself. I turned and saw only Lexa's bare back. The beautiful tattoo showing up only in half as she had the blanket over her. She didn't need to turn to know that I was indeed trying to sneak out. Sometimes I forget how powerful she is. You'd think she lets her guard down around you, but some part of it is always on.

"You looked so peaceful... I didn't want to wake you," I answered. I walked around the bed to face her. She noticed me and just smiled. "I'm so happy you're here." I sat on the bed next to her and just put my hand on her cheek. Her eyes closed for a few seconds, as she stayed silent.

"You know..." she started, looking at me again. "I didn't think, I would ever feel like this again."

"If you mean happy, Lex, you better get used to it."

Her whole face was just bright with happiness. I leaned closer and kissed her lips slowly. She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in even closer.

As I tried to pull away to catch my breath, I only felt her strong arms not letting me. I opened my eyes and looked at her as she moved her lips away but not arms.

"You know, I gotta go, but you can stay here. We will head out soon, though, Lex, you can start getting ready. Raven and mum needs that fuel. Bellamy and Roan will go with us." I smiled, staring into her eyes. She nodded, her arms slowly slipped off and I sat straight. "I was actually thinking... don't you wanna come back to Polis?"

The question took her off guard, she looked away with this unease look. "Klork... Roan is there, Azgeda has taken over it, people literally hate me for what I did in the city of light, and I don't even have the flame inside me anymore." Her look came back full of sorrow.

"You are still their commander. And people don't know about the flame."

"Roan does. Besides, flame just turned out to be an AI. Not exactly what I believed in my entire life."

"But it still has all those spirits. Probably your spirit too, don't doubt in it."

"I don't have anything to come back to, Bellamy whipped out Trikru and now Azgeda is the most powerful out there. Many clans will follow them of fear. As long as Azgeda is in charge, there is nothing for me there, Klork."

I stared at her for some time, but finally had to admit she was right. Azgeda was way too powerful right now, she was probably the safest here.

I stood up and was about to walk out, but she spoke again:

"I'm proud of you, Klork, you know that, right?"

I turned slightly to look at her. "I know, Lex." I smirked ever so slightly and walked out.

Luna's POV

Loud screams woke me up, some kind of struggle. I realized soon what it was. Raven and Murphy.

I quickly walked down to see Raven screaming "I hate you," at Murphy and hitting him all the time. All he could do was cover himself, trying to calm her down, but nothing was working on her.

I grabbed her hips from behind, pulling her away from him. As soon as she realized she tried to pull herself out of my embrace. "Get off me!" she was screaming. I held her both arms behind, she was much weaker than me, so without any problem I forced her to sit.

"Raven, breathe. Breathe!"

She stopped screaming, but from times to times she'd growl and try to get out of my arms.

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