Chapter 8

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Clarke's POV

We all sat in the circle around some campfire. Some girl stood next to another campfire. She was telling some story about sharks and the whole clan listened to her. Muttering of quiet talks was floating over the big room. Of all of us Jasper seemed the only one who was listening to her, maybe also Lincoln.

"She's here," Jasper noticed, looking at Luna behind me. I slightly turned around and saw her walking in with some man.

"Maybe she changed her mind," Bellamy whispered as he looked at Luna, too. We both stood up and walked to her.

She stopped and looked at us coldly.

"The boats return at nightfall. Then you leave. Forever." She stared at us, giving us the time to understand her decision. Not acceptable.

"Luna, let us explain." I tried to use my convincible voice. Was it that convincible like I thought?

"I said no," she answered a bit angry and tried to past us, but Bellamy stopped her.

"No, you need to hear this."

The man next to her put a hand on Bellamy's torso and just shot him a significant look. Luna stopped, though. She looked at him, a bit exasperated.

"There is something out there that is going to destroy us all." Bellamy's voice was much more convincible than mine. I sighed silently. He was sure and stoic and confident.

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here," she just shrugged and this time she really passed us, her boyfriend followed her.

I stared us she walked to Lincoln, Octavia, and Jasper. She sat and told them something, that Jasper stood up and walked away. They talked for a few minutes and then stood up and sat next to this man under the wall. I frowned and we sat next to Octavia and Lincoln. I searched the room for Jasper and I saw he was talking with this girl who was telling the story before. They talked, sitting next to some campfire. I saw him smiling slightly.

"What has she told you?" Bellamy asked, looking at them, questioningly.

Lincoln shook his head for no.

"She's not going to get back to her old form. She won't get back to killing." He looked down on the ground and sighed deeply. "She's not going to help us."

"Jasper's actually smiling," Bellamy noticed him.

They've already relaxed, given up, but it couldn't end in this way, not so easily. Luna was sitting easily with her boyfriend under the wall. It reminded me of Lexa. It got me asking 'what would she do?'. She definitely wouldn't be sitting here around, not doing anything. She'd try to somehow convince Luna. But on the other hand, I already tried it. And it didn't work out. Maybe I should just let go? But Luna was sitting under this wall so calmly. She had no idea how dangerous Alie was. We almost lost Raven.

"Clarke, let it go," Bellamy brought me back to the reality. I was overthinking it way to much...

I looked at him, tiredly.

"We can't just leave," I shook my head for no.

"It's not like we have much of a choice," Octavia spat out.

"Maybe we do." They all looked at me surprised. Octavia even stopped throwing some small brunches into the fire.

"What are you talking about?" she asked confused.

I looked up from the ground. "I'm talking about putting this into her head without asking."

Siblings opened their mouths to answer, but Lincoln was much faster.

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