Chapter 13

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Clarke's POV

A few days went from the mission to Azgeda's territory. People are working now, and everyone tries to help at least a bit. Maybe telling them that all of them will survive was a mistake, but at least now Raven has more people to work with. Roan sent a few people to help us with the ship. The only problem now was the food.

"Two meals a day for people working as hard as ours, we won't make any friends," Bellamy said as he pushed cart with supplies into Raven's inventory room. Lexa and I were walking right behind him. He started putting things on the shelves.

"Well, if there's one thing our people understand, it's rationing," I said and started helping him. "Besides, once we close those doors, it'll be one meal a day for the next five years." Yeah, food was a real problem.

Raven, that was patching something on the ladder, turned to us. "Try one meal every other day." We all looked at her. "Hunting parties are coming back with less and less." She walked down from the ladder. Then she took off her special gloves and mask. "Thanks to your friend Niylah, we're preserving more meat than ever, but it's still not enough."

Niylah. Yesterday, I was able to convince her to come here. Not only because she had a lot of food in her father's shop, but also because I wanted her to be here, safe. Lexa wasn't so happy about it, especially after knowing about our past, but she agreed, as food was really needed right now.

"Without a way to make water, growing our protein like we did on the Ark is not an option," Raven said. Bellamy looked down and she sent him an angry stare. "Remember that when we're starving."

He froze. "I won't be starving because I won't be inside."

I looked at him in shock. "Yes, you will." He sighed.

"Does that mean you made a list?" Raven stared at me with hope.

"No," I simply answered. She was pushing me so much about it. "What about drinking water?" I asked, just hoping she would let it go.

"Clare, don't change the subject." She walked closer to me. "We need to know who's gonna be inside of these door when the radiation comes." I was obviously the one responsible for that.

"We don't need to know now," I answered, connecting the stare with her, warningly. She can't keep pushing me about it so much. That was one of the hardest things I had to do, and we all know that my past includes a lot of these choices.

Luckily, the communication from radio cut our talk:

"We need some medical help at the front gate. Looks like we got some sick people there."

We all headed there fastly. Many people were already there. In the front line, soldiers were standing, with their guns out, pointing at whoever was there. Bellamy made our way through the crowd, already ordering to put the guns down. As I was finally able to see them, the view surprised me. There were seven persons, and I recognized only Luna and Nyko, also the little girl, that was really close to Luna. Some of them were barely standing, and some of them already sitting. Every face had red and white blisters. A few were even vomiting. Nyko was the only one, that didn't have any kind of symptoms.

"What happened to them?" I asked, when he looked up at me.

"Sickness," he answered. "We lost more than 40 on the way."

"Please, don't turn us away because of what I did to you," Luna said, between coughs as she was met with shock.

"Out of my way. Please, let me through," I heard mum's voice. She walked to us with her special bag, and before bending down to them, she used something to cover her mouth. But she seemed shocked, as she really noticed their state. She put away the cloth from her mouth. So, I bent down to them too.

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