Chapter 3

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"Clarke, I don't think you're good at it," Lexa said quietly without turning around.

She was sitting in front of me, between my legs, turned back to me. I tried to braid her, but I was totally failing it. I could hear her chuckling from my failure. After I had almost done it, I had to unbraid it, because in the beginning I went in the wrong direction and it destroyed the whole construction. So, here I tried to do it once again. Unsuccessfully.

"I know. It's so hard," I pouted and let go. All of the braids fell away. Lexa turned around. Her hairs were right now in a huge mess. One braid still didn't fall away, but it was just half of it, sticking awkwardly on the left side. On the center of her head, a few strands were standing for no reason. And on the right side, the strands were really wavy.

She shot me one of those cute smirks, that I just couldn't help but smile.

With these smirks and those hairs. "You look adorable."

Lexa leaned a little bit closer, looked at my lips, and back on my eyes.

"I'm the Commander. I'm not meant to look adorable." Her voice was serious, but a smirk was still playing on her lips.

She closed the distance between us by placing a soft kiss on my nose. Then she stood up and stretched her hand to me and I took it. Lexa helped me stood up like I weighed nothing. She walked to the only mirror in her - or should I say our - room. I was just standing behind her as she was trying to clean the mess I've made on her head.

This time she only took her headpiece, I put some jacket on and we headed to the throne room.

As I found out, Lexa was spending at least three hours there every day, so that grounders with their problems could ask for her help. Also one of her duty was to have at least two meetings for a week with young Natblidas.

The throne room was empty. Lexa sat on her throne and I just stood in front of her awkwardly.

"What about me?"

She just smiled softly. "You can take a special seat."

I frowned, not knowing exactly what she meant.

"On my laps." She laughed at my earlier confusion.

I sat on her laps, but I couldn't see her face. Besides, I could bet that she wouldn't handle my weight for a long time. So I turned. I leaned against one armrest and put my legs on another one.

Lexa smiled satisfied at my idea. She started gently drawing circles around my knee.

"Lex-" I took her chin in my hand and she looked at me. I could see clear happiness on her face. No worries, problems. No Titus saying that this is a weakness. No Pike. No A.L.I.E. No war. It was just she and I. "What are we gonna do next?" She frowned and stopped with these circles. "I mean after Octavia will deal with Pike?"

"We are going to Arkadia."

"But what after that? What about A.L.I.E? I think we shouldn't underestimate her."

"Klork. Don't worry about that. We will deal with her. Like we will deal with everything in the future. Always."

I smiled. She really could comfort me like no one else. "Always."

We were about to kiss, but someone came to the room, without any warning. Both of us looked there surprised.

Titus - who else would it be - and the other grounder came into the room, but they stopped as they noticed as, clearly shocked. I slipped of Lexa and straighten up really embarrassed. Lexa wasn't embarrassed at all. More likely annoyed.

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