10 | Best Friends

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Light flickers across half of his face because of the fire not too far away. He looks away, letting his eyes drop to the ground as the light disappears from him.

From his reactions, I can't tell if he's upset, happy, or doesn't feel anything. The guy I could once read as an open book isn't the guy standing in front of me anymore. He's more reserved, more than ever.

The one thing I do know is he doesn't know what to say. I take that as my cue and turn to head to the parking lot. Before I can do so, a hand gently wraps around my arm, stopping me from walking away.

I glance up and meet Axel's eyes. "Please don't walk away," he pleads.

For some reason those four simple words hit me hard, leaving me standing in my tracks. Those four words are words I should've asked Axel the night he walked away from me after I found out about the bet that started our whole relationship in the first place. I thought it would've been selfish to ask him that back then, now with him asking, I'm not so sure they are selfish words after all. Just means to an end.

Finally, I let my eyes meet his. "Axel, that night we promised each other no more secrets. Adam was a secret you kept from me." I know I don't need to explain what night I'm referring to because we're both talking about the same one. "Is there anything else I don't know?"

His warm hands stays wrapped around my arm as he shakes his head no, visibly gulping. "I know and I made a mistake," he says, keeping his voice low. "But I also walked away from you that night, something I wish I hadn't done." He'd told me that earlier today at James' graduation party. "I wish I hadn't lied to you about Adam, but I'm glad you left because I can't imagine holding you back."

Axel lets his hand drop from my arm, leaving it exposed to the air that seems to be chilly now. "So what do you want, Axel?" I choke out the words.

His pale blue eyes leave me captivated as the tiniest smile reaches his mouth. "What I always have." A heat creeps into my face as his eyes roam it. "Is that so wrong?"

As always, I speak before I can think about my words. "Then why let me go in the first place?"

Axel releases a small sigh. "Because I love you. Always have and always will. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you." His confession leaves me stunned. Subtly, he lets his fingers lace through mine. "I know it's selfish but it's the truth."

Until now, I hadn't registered how close we've moved towards each other. My heart is telling me to jump all in, but my head is telling me otherwise. We both know how we feel about each other, but a part of me won't let go of what he did. He broke me. He broke my heart without any explanation.

But then the little voice in my head whispers that it was for a good reason. A reason I'm scared to admit was probably for the best. I might've not been happy if I had stayed. And the thing that speaks to me the most is I truly haven't asked myself what if I had stayed and hand't left for college. I've only asked that about my relationship with Axel.

I never asked myself what if for me and only me.

My head is spinning with all the thoughts going on in my head. "I need time," I say slowly.

He nods his head like he already knew that's what I was going to say. His smile brightens as he squeezes my hand before letting go. "Come find me when you're ready to talk. Whatever it is, I want to hear it from you."

I give him a small smile before he heads back to the fire. Before he gets there, Adam runs up and tackles his legs. A light laugh escapes my lips at the interaction between them.

To give myself space from everyone, I walk further down the beach and away from the bonfire. Eventually I zone out and can only hear the waves crashing against the beach. Closing my eyes, I breath in the salty air.

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