14 | Unpredictable

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I let my head lean against the pole, looking up at the darkening sky. I heave out a sigh as a gentle breeze picks up in the hot and humid air, blowing loose strands of hair around my face.

The usual busy streets are empty now that the fair is shut down for the weekend. Thankfully not for the rest of summer, but after what happened today, they have to clean everything up and make sure everything is in order.

It was a crazy day, but thankfully no one had been hurt. The guy who'd fallen off had a broken ankle and the guy driving the eighteen wheeler had passed out from low blood sugar and being over worked.

No one was to blame for today, yet look at all the craziness that had happened. It was just a freak accident. It reminds me a lot of what happened about six years ago. About what happened to this very pole I'm leaning against.

I look at the crosswalk and a vision of me running across the street seems to play out. Car headlights flash, causing me to stop in my tracks. Hudson, Jaden, and Olivia yell my name as the car swerves, heading straight for the pole. The look on Bethany's face when we briefly looked at each other fills my mind.

She'd be twenty nine now, if she was still alive.

I shake my head and look away from the crosswalk, trying to get rid of the memory in my head. It's not as painful as it used to be, but it still hurts.

But it also serves as a good reminder sometimes.

It's life. It's unpredictable. Sometimes life throws good things at you and sometimes it throws bad things at you. I guess it also depends on the perspective you take to look at what happens or has happened.

Life goes on whether you want it to or not.


I'm startled by his voice and look up to see Axel there, holding a bouquet of carnation flowers. I can't help but smile, those were Bethany's favorites. The thought warms my heart. He remembers Bethany's favorite flowers after all this time. I pat the spot next to me for him to sit down.

He takes the invitation and his familiar musk cologne comforts me as he sits down, handing me the flowers. His shoulder is warm as it touches mine, another familiarity I've missed. "Today was crazy."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "That's an understatement."

He laughs too and my smile grows bigger. Everything about him I've missed. "Thanks for looking out for Adam today."

I grin, thinking about how excited Adam had been after everyone had gotten safely off the ride. His adrenaline was at an all time high. "I suppose after today his mom will never let me watch him again?"

Axel smirks as he shifts closer to me. "I don't think she'll let anyone watch him for awhile. But, you did make Adam's day. He can't stop talking about how the two of you were like Spider Man climbing down the ferris wheel."

I cover my mouth as I laugh, remembering Adam's Spider Man backpack.

"He also couldn't stop talking about how much of a superhero you were today." Axel nudges his shoulder against mine, tilting his head as he watches me.

"Me?" I ask.

He nods his head. "Yup and everyone who saw what happened agrees. If you hadn't climbed back up, I don't think that boy would've been able to hang onto that girl by himself."

I shiver, not wanting to think about what could've happened. One tragedy is enough to handle in a life time.

"What made you climb back up?" Axel's eyes are filled with curiosity as he searches my face. "You've always been one to live in the moment and think about the consequences after, but today was something else. From what people said, it was like you had no fear."

I shake my head. "Oh, I was scared. Don't get that wrong."

"Then what made you climb back up?" His tone isn't forceful, just curious.

Shrugging my shoulders, I pick at the bouquet of carnations in my hands. "I didn't think about it. I just knew they needed my help."

"Sounds like you'd make a good firefighter."

I smile at him and lean my head against his shoulder, taking comfort in his presence. I've missed him so much and I've been angry at him for a long time, but him letting me go gave me opportunities I would've missed out on had I stayed.

We still have some things to sort through, but if anything, today has reminded me of what it means to live in the moment. We're never promised tomorrow. Living a life full of 'what ifs' isn't a good way to live.

We continue to sit silently, watching the sun set until a thought pops in my head. "How'd you know I was here?" I ask, lifting my head up so I can get a good look at him.

He smiles shyly, looking down to avoid my eyes. "I had a feeling you'd be here after what happened today."

I forget how well he knows me sometimes. "And these?" I ask, twirling the flowers in my hands. "You remembered carnations are Bethany's favorites."

He lifts his head and eyes the flowers before his pale blue eyes shift to mine, all playfulness gone. "Conley, that's not something I would forget."

This time I look away to avoid the intensity in his eyes.

His hand reaches for mine and takes it away, leaving my other hand holding the flowers. His fingers lace through mine, sending warmth through my hand. "I've missed this," he whispers. "I've missed us."

I let my eyes meet his and see that his words are genuine. He's a man of few words, but he knowns how to express himself anyways.

"I should've told you the truth about Adam from the beginning."

"Then I wouldn't have left." I know that now. If he had told me back then, I never would've left to go to college and learn more about photography.

Axel smiles, letting go of my hand and placing his arm around my shoulders. "So, maybe life played out like it was supposed to?"

"Maybe." I smile up at him. "I mean, it did bring me back to you, didn't it?"

He leans forward, slowly getting closer. "And I'm glad it did."

The breeze picks up again, blowing a stray piece of my hair in front of my eyes. I go to move it but Axel beats me to it, tucking the stray piece behind my ear. His thumb trails over my cheek, leaving goosebumps there. Slowly, he leans his warm forehead against mine. "I hope you know how much I love you. Even when we were apart I never stopped loving you."

The butterflies in my stomach erupt at his words. "I hope you know how much I love you."

"Conley." He chuckles.


"You can't just repeat my words."

"Why not?"

"Because I said them first."

"But I mean them just like you mean them."


Before he can finish whatever he's going to say, I pull on his neck and bring his lips towards mine and kiss him. I can feel his smile against my lips as he kisses me back. "You were taking too long," I say as we break apart.

Axel looks annoyed but the smile on his face says different as he leans back towards me. "Guess we have several years to catch up on then."

I'm laughing as he kisses me again, grateful to have him back in my life.

Like I said, life's unpredictable and he just so happens to be one of those good things thrown at me.

A/N: Getting closer to the end! Hope you enjoyed and please vote if you did. :)

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