15 | Love is Love

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Elea and I squeal when we see Olivia in her wedding dress. The floor length skirt glimmers in the warm lighting with off the shoulder lace sleeves accenting the top. The lace pattern trickles down into the the skirt creating soft ruffles.

"Olivia! It's gorgeous," I say, trying to hold back tears for my best friend's sake. She looks stunning.

She swats air at her eyes, trying to keep her own tears at bay as she smiles uncontrollably. "I can't believe I'm marrying him. Jaden Coleman. Today's the day!"

Katherine, Olivia's older sister, walks up to her and hugs her. "My baby sister is so grown up. You ready to get this thing going?"

Olivia nods her head, hugging her sister, me, and then Elea. "Let's do this thing."

The three of us walk out of the room we were just in with Olivia and head to our lineup. Elea lines up in front of me, linking arms with James.

Axel, looking great in a tux, walks up to me and holds out his elbow for me to link mine through his. With my free hand, I let my hand travel over the material covering his arm. I look up and grin at him, now grateful for the lineup arrangement.

I remember just a little over a week ago when Olivia told me I'd have to walk in and out with him. I thought it'd be the end of the world. Now look at where we are.

Katherine and Hudson line up behind us, completing our part of the lineup order.

Axel leans towards me, a smile on his lips. "You look gorgeous." His eyes travel the light blue, floor length, bridesmaids dress I'm wearing.

I feel a heat creep to my cheeks, trying my best not to smile too big. "You don't look so bad yourself."

Axel straightens his shoulders, pretending to brush off dust on his suit. I tilt my head, laughing at him. His face softens as he looks me over once more. "You ready for this?"

Biting my lower lip, I look in front of Elea and James to see Jaden there. He looks nervous, but a good nervous. "I am. It's about time these two got married."

Laughing, Axel nods his head in agreement. "It really is."

The music starts and the dark wood double doors in front of Jaden's and Olivia's grandparents open.

Time to get this show on the road.

After everyone is in their places, everyone stands, about to welcome Olivia and her dad down the aisle.

Everyone gasps when they see Olivia in her dress. The setting sun's light hits her perfectly as she walks down the aisle, creating a warm and sparkling glow around her. Mr. Torres smiles down at her, his armed linked through hers.

Olivia's gaze shifts to Jaden and her eyes light up when she sees him. Jaden's smile can't get any bigger as he watches her, completely in awe.

A head peeks around Hudson, who's looking at Olivia, and I make eye contact with Axel. He smile's softly at me, winking before he focuses back on Olivia. The same butterflies from a few days ago flutter in my stomach.

Smiling, I focus my attention back on Olivia as her dad kisses her on the forehead before leading her up to stand in front of Jaden.

The smiles Olivia and Jaden share are so contagious, that it makes everyone in the room watch them with envy. I've truly never seen two people love each other more than these two.

"Welcome," the pastor says to start the ceremony.


Hudson hands me the microphone when it's my turn to speak for Olivia and Jaden. My heart starts to race at the thought of speaking in front of so many people, but my eye catches Axel who has Adam sitting on his lap. Adam gives me two thumbs up with his little fingers and I can't help but smile. The two of them look more alike than ever because of Adam's matching tuxedo.

I turn my attention to Olivia and Jaden. My best friend is leaning into Jaden's shoulder and the look of them so relaxed helps my anxiety dissipate a little. Olivia gives me a little nod, batting an eyelash at me.

Smiling, I start my speech.

"Some say your soulmate is your spouse or your best friend. Olivia and Jaden found both of those things with each other. These two have been in love since the moment they laid eyes on each other. I wish everyone here could've been there when they first saw each other. They were smitten. So, I did what any best friend would do. I pushed her off the swing set we were on because she wouldn't stop talking about him."

People laugh while Jaden and Olivia both shake their heads, smiling at my words.

"I told Jaden that he needed to carry her inside because she was hurt and they've been together ever since." People awe, looking at the two of them. "But watching them over the last six years has taught me a lot. They love not only themselves, but the people around them so intentionally. I feel like that kind of love is rare now. Since their first date, they've chosen to love each other every single day without a doubt. When you find love with someone where you both choose to be there for each day, that's the love you hang onto."

My eyes shift to Axel who's sitting a few chairs down from Olivia and Jaden.

"And when you do find that love, you push each other to grow. Sometimes it doesn't always seem like it's the best thing at the time, but in the end you have to ask yourself if you're a better person for it." I focus back on Olivia and Jaden. "And that's what these two have taught me the most. You need to be with someone who will push you to be the best you, even when it's hard. Not only have they done with each other, but they've pushed me to be better. They've pushed my brother, Hudson, to better."

Hudson waves his hand in the air, smirking devilishly. Jaden punches his shoulder, but laughs along with him.

"They've pushed Elea, James, Katherine." All three of them smile and blush as the crowd shifts in their seats to look at them. "Everyone who truly gets to know Olivia and Jaden are better because of the two of them. And together, these two are a force to be reckoned with."

My eyes land on Olivia's and I see that they're watering. She smiles at me in a way I've never seen before, which gives me the courage to finish my speech.

"In my opinion, you can't ask for two better people to be together than them. And I can't wait to see what their kids are going to look like. They're going to make the cutest mixed babies any of us have ever seen." I wink at Jaden and Olivia who are both laughing as I raise my champagne glass into the air. "Cheers to the newlyweds!"

The crowd applauds and I turn the microphone off and head around the table toward Olivia and Jaden. Once I'm reach Olivia, she pulls me into a hug, squeezing the life out of me. She pulls back, wiping tears away from underneath her eyes with her index fingers. "V, that was beautiful. Thank you so much," she says, holding my hands.

Jaden places his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in for a side hug. "That was a killer speech." He winks. "Thanks for doing that for us."

I hug him back, accepting his embrace. 

A/N: About a chapter or two left! 

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