•Chapter Twenty Eight• "Your father?"

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Thank you all so much for your patience, I know it's been a while but I've been busy with work as well as writing😅 I hope you all enjoy the last few chapters of this book. I'm really not the best with endings, mainly because I hate them🤣id much rather the book go on forever, but of course that's not realistic hahaha. I tried my best for you all!


Kimberly's Pov -

The seconds felt like hours.

So many hours, for the length of time Luca had been staring at me. His eyebrows where knotted, his arms dropped at his sides—my apartment door had swung shut when he had let go of the handle.

"Y-your father?" He wet his lips. "Your papa is, Rocco?" He shook his head, "No, non può esserlo" He let out a breathy laugh in disbelief, his hand running through his hair. [No, he can't be]

"You..." He paused, taking a deep breath. "You told me that you have never even met your father"

"That doesn't mean I don't know his name" I shook my head, taking a step forward. "Luca you haven't answered my question, you're scaring me..."

He sucked his teeth, turning so his back was to me.

"Luca?" I slowly walked towards him, my hand gently resting on his shoulder, listening to the deep sigh he let out from my touch. "Please talk to me-"

"You do not understand, Kimberly" He shrugged my hand off of him, making me step back with worry.

He slowly turned back to face me, his facial expression unreadable. But the words that left his mouth next, stabbed into my core. "Rocco Wrenn, is supposedly the man who killed my Mama"

My chest tightened.

My lips seeming to be suddenly glued together.

I opened my mouth, but then closed it again.

I was completely and utterly speechless. No matter how hard I tried to spit out even just one word, it just wasn't happening. My biological father, the man I had never met, yet he still had played a part in bringing me onto this earth...is a murderer?

More importantly, he's the one responsible for Luca's mothers death?

The door slamming shut made my whole body flinch, my eyes snatched up to see Luca no longer stood in front of me, a tear trickled down my cheek.

I didn't even realise I was crying.

Minutes had passed, I don't know how many. But I had finally found the strength in my legs to move, a quiet sob escaped me as I jogged towards my door and quickly yanked it open...

"LUCA" I screamed, my head poking out of the door, scanning the hallway to see it only empty.

I turned back inside and began searching for my car keys, tears still falling down my face. Wiping them away, I checked underneath pillows, blankets...not finding them anywhere. A frustrated puff of air left my lips, my hands pulling at my hair.

He was probably long gone by now.

Finally, I found them underneath a book on my cabinet and before I knew it, I was racing out of my door faster than lightening itself. Finally down the elevator and out into the cold night, I slid into my car, the engine roaring as my lights flickered on, then I was speeding of down the narrow road.

It took me all but a very long twenty minutes to reach Luca's house, my car door slamming shut after I got out. My hands loudly tapped onto the huge double doors and after what felt like hours...the door finally slowly opened up.

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