•Chapter Nineteen• "I deserve the pain..."

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Kimberly's Pov -

After pulling myself together and re applying my cherry lip balm, I met Luca by the front door. My eyes avoided his until we finally stopped outside of a shiny black Range Rover. "Your driving us?"

"Sí, I am" He told me while pulling open the passenger door for me.

Thanking him, I hopped inside—being sure to have a good look around while I waited for Luca to get in. Inside smelt like his cologne and a mix of leather.

When he pulled his door shut and started up the car, I clipped in my seatbelt as my eyes dared to sneak a glance at him. Even his side profile was beautiful, with his extremely straight nose and sharp jawline, then not to mention his lips—those mouthwatering plump lips...

Shaking my head, I spoke as he drove down the long driveway. "I'm surprised, I thought you just let your drivers take you everywhere"

"I think everyone should have some independence" He replied as he nodded at his security to open up the gates for him. With a slight screech, they opened up and within a second we where out onto the road.

Nodding at his reply, I turned my head to watch the pretty trees we where passing. "So, where are you taking me first?"

"You'll see" His husky voice echoed around the car.

My head snapped in his direction. "Oh, how secretive" I laughed after my words, watching as his lips twitched upwards—yet his eyes remained only on the road ahead.

As I watched him, it was hard to believe that someone like him was behind such a powerful thing. To others he may seem intimidating, mean or even absolutely terrifying. But me, I can see deeper, I know there's much more to his man.

He claims to not know how to be gentle, yet with me—he's always been gentle. The small subtle touches, his soft lips when they pecked my neck, the way his warm fingers gently traced my stomach.

My thighs squeezed together as I recalled our kiss, quickly distracting myself by looking out of the tinted window...

How can someone who is capable of making my body feel the way it did not to long ago, be capable of such bad things?

My eyes instantly widened when the car came to a stop, the beautiful building taking me by surprise. "Wow-" I muttered to myself as I pushed open the door, taking in my surroundings.

Luca was already on my side of the car when I shut the door behind me, my eyes flickering to his only for a quick moment. "What is this place?" I walked a little closer to it, looking over my shoulder at Luca who only stood with his hands in his pockets.

"The Uffizi" He spoke, pulling his hands from his pockets and walking towards me. A shiver travelled throughout my body when his hand landed on the small of my back, leading me towards the entrance of the huge building. "It's a famous art gallery"

"It's beautiful..." I whispered, taking one last glance at the outside of it before we entered.

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