•Chapter Nine• 'Mama's murder...'

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Kimberly's pov -

It's been two days since Luca left me all hot and sweaty on my kitchen counter and I won't lie, I've been pretty disappointed coming home from work, to not find him sitting on my couch.

The waitress placing two cups of warm coffee down on the table in front of me, snapped me from my thoughts. I thanked her as I lifted my head to see my Mom, sat in the seat opposite me. I've inherited a lot from my mother, two things being the chocolate brown eyes and dark shiny hair...only now my Mom has cut her's up to her shoulders and a few wrinkles now rest around the corners of her eyes.

She's still incredibly beautiful though and I absolutely adore her.

It's Sunday, meaning it's coffee day for me and my mother. We always meet up in this cute small cafe in the middle of California, it's been a tradition of ours for as long as I can remember that we just had to continue it, even when I moved into my own place.

"So, tell me. Anything new this week?" Mom's sweet voice filled my ears, she pulled the mug to her lips, blowing away the steam rising from it.

I nervously chewed on my bottom lip, debating wether to tell her about Luca or not. It was strange, wanting to keep a secret away from her, after all she is my best friend just as well as being my mom.

"Actually there is something I would like to ask for your advice on..." I replied, watching as she instantly straightened herself up, sending me a nod which let me know to carry on.

"My friend, met a guy. But he's not just any guy" I spoke up, avoiding her burning gaze.

"Mhm, go on" She folded her hands together, leaning her body closer, ready to not miss a single word. This made me mentally chuckle, my mom loves and will always love gossip.

"He's job, isn't exactly something she agrees with, but when she's around him, he's different, he's even asked her help" I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Mom, when I'm around- I mean when she's around him...it feels weirdly right" I finished of my sentence with a sigh while fiddling the gold ring on my little finger.

"I guess the advice I need is, do you think she's doing the right thing by getting involved with him?"

"Well firstly, I think your friend should focus on how she feels about him, rather than how she feels about what he does" My mom started, flicking her hair away from her face.

"And if she truly believes there could be something there...then she shouldn't let it go, not at least without trying—because sometimes we have to take risks and go down paths we didn't have planned" she added, gripping my hand with hers.

Just from that simple action of her hand intwining with mine, I knew right away that she had realised I wasn't speaking about a friend and that I was, indeed speaking about myself.

A smile spread across my lips as I nodded my head, letting her advice flow around my head...

Luca's Pov -

"I beg let me go, I know nothing" The man before me was on his knees, rope tied around his wrists. The gun I was holding, rested firmly against his skull.

"Do you take me for a fucking fool?" I snarled, taking my foot and kicking him in his stomach.

His loud groan echoed around the cold basement, the pain evident in his voice. "Tell me who killed my mother!" I kicked him again, this time it made him fall onto his back with a loud thud, his voice still calling out for me to spare his life.

"Luca, I swear...p-please leave me be. I have a family"

"And now my family is torn apart" My voice boomed, making the crippled mans eyes fill with fear. "I may not of been old enough to protect my Mama back then, but I am grown enough to get revenge" I pressed the gun even harder to his forehead.

"Tell me who the fuck killed my mother before I blow your fucking head off"

"Fine!" He screeched, fear radiating from his exhausted body. "He's called Rocco, he used to live in Colorado but I heard he moved, I-I don't know where to Luca, I promise you"

My jaw tightened before I fired the gun, the bullet going straight through his head. Spinning around, I spotted Gino, he stood tall with a black bag at the ready in his hand. "sbarazzati di lui".  I told him, before walking away. [get rid of him]

As my feet echoed on the hard floor, one face and one face only flashed through my head. Kimberly. A split second of a unfamiliar feeling spread through my body, was it guilt? No. Never. He deserved that bullet. But her pretty innocent face in my mind made me think something else, what that thought was, I do not know and I don't know if I even wanted to know.

Shaking my head I exited the basement and pulled my phone from my pocket, placing it to my ear.

"Papa, I have news on Mama's murder..."

-A few hours later-

Slamming my door shut, I swiftly made my way through the long dark hallways in my house. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with my maid, Tisha. As usual she didn't look my way, she never dares to...I guess it's the very detailed meetings she has overheard whenever I've held one here.

"Whiskey" I stated, earning a nod from her. With a sigh, I pushed open the tall wooden double doors that lead to the dining room, my eyes squinting when I saw the view in front of me.

"Well brother, it's about time you arrived home" Carina chuckled, but I was to intrigued as to why Kimberly was sat right by her.

She looked breathtaking, a purple silk fitted blouse was clung to her body, a few buttons popped open which was revealing a small part of her cleavage. A pair of black jeans where paired with the blouse, fitting her pretty legs like a glove. Her brunette locks where pulled up into a slick back pony tail, making her doe brown eyes stand out. The lipgloss she was wearing, made me want to devour her sweet lips.

"Hey..." Her angelic voice filled the large room, making today's incident suddenly seem so small. Every inch of my body calming, just from hearing her soft voice.

"And that's my cue" Carina spoke, snapping me from my gaze. She checked her watch before slinging her purse over her shoulder, pecking Kimberly's cheek and heading my way.

"Good evening, brother" She tapped my shoulder, her heels clicking along the marble floor could be heard as she strutted away.

My eyes once again landed on Kimberly, who was now stood. A small smile rested on her lips, before she opened up her mouth to speak. "Is there somewhere we can go, to talk?"



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