Another sad poem

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A nice woman online
told me I should write something new
soon, told me she would wait.

a sweet weight on my tongue
to keep. to have someone wait
for words, even as I lose a little faith
in words every day.

I lose a little bit of life.
I carry my bones around, and
that old ache of the soul.
my sadness sits on my shoulders
like an old ghost from a folk tale.

I can't write like I used to.
can't read. can't think
the same. and yet

I live, chasing a thrill. a flicker
of firelight. a small flash
when the clock stops a moment
and my hands smell of oyster shells
and saltwater and I can taste the sea on
my tongue, like in the end of a dream,
in the in-between when you are
both asleep and awake.

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