Lonely as a dog in outer space

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what a beautiful thing it must have been
to die among the stars.

but did you remember
somewhere in your little dog mind
the cold street corner where you
used sleep with your mother,
in a city which like all other cities 
housed hunger and broken bodies

do you think cities and empty streets
still cry for you sometimes
and look at the sky searching
for a tragedy to remember.
but was it really 
a tragedy after all? did you ever
think of yourself as one?

did you ever stop crying, or
did you realize
somewhere in your dog mind 
that this, this was to be the end?

did you see the earth for one last time
and realize, just before you died
that it was home?

or did you not want to come back 
after all? I wonder if, as you closed
your eyes, you thought that the stars
were beautiful

and the real tragedy was
that you will never get to see them again.

I wonder if you became one.

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