Parellel universe

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In another time, far from this,
I will forget your face.

I won’t write sad poems
about you, on this side of your
painted glass windows, the colours 
creeping on your walls, your 
blue guitar on the windowsill.
I think only in colours, baby, 
it is only for you that I am soft.
Come lie with me here, and let
only your fingertips touch mine.

In another time, I lost all the softness 
I used to have, and words say way
too much and nothing at all at once.

In another universe, you never learned how 
to sing. In that universe there was no
Bon Jovi and we passed each other 
on the street and didn’t realize, you had
long hippie hair and I had a
shaved head.

In another universe, you hold your hands 
on my head and our canary dies of cancer
and I still write sad poems for you
but they all sound the same.

In another one, you became a popstar.

In another, we run away to Antarctica 
together. We build a bonfire and curl
into each other for warmth, till we became
a singe body like Plato said we would.
We go to Italy. We will be buried inside the 
Pyramids side by side, our feet facing 
the direction of the sun. When the 
apocalypse comes you and I
will go down on our knees to worship 
the way the light falls.

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