Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Nothing changes until people decide to do the things they must, in order to bring about peace.
― Shannon L. Alder

Neil Harris

Living like a hermit was hardly possible when there was an over-bearing older sister hovering over you at all times.

At times like these, I pitied her husband and child for tolerating her. 

"Get your hands off!" I groaned, and swatted her hands away from my sexy as hell hair.

"Stop moving!" She threatened with a pair of scissors as she tried to trim my unruly hair. Her words, not mine. "You never complained when you were young."

"Because I never had a chance to complain. You bullied me into becoming your guinea pig! "

Evan gasped, gaping at his angelic mother in shock, and Derek burst out laughing, almost tearing up.

Kate smacked the side of my head, and leaned forward to her precious, innocent son. "Sweetie, bullying is wrong. I was never a bully, okay?" She pleaded with her sweet voice afraid her son would repeat what he heard at home in the classroom. The same voice, however, turned harsh when she told me off under her breath. "Don't say such things in front of my son."

I drily stated. "Your son should learn to speak the truth."

When Kate pulled my hair, I actually screamed out in pain. "Ow, ow! What the ffff! Kate! You know how much I love my hair!" As I tried to escape from her, she caught me by my face.

"Ugh, look at this! You should shave!" I managed to break free from her clutch, and stood a feet away from her. "Neil, shave and shower! So unhygienic!"

I took off the towel from my shoulder, and threw it at the table, amusing Derek more. He always enjoyed the spectacle we presented. His words, not mine. 

"Let me be in peace! When are you all leaving?"

Even three people were like a crowd for me. My eyes shifted to the little human, slurping his strawberry milk with wide eyes. Well, two and a half.

The New Yorker turned Seattleite bully, Kate shook her head stubbornly. "Not anytime soon. Besides, you were the one who called me, remember?"

I did remember. How could I ever forget that long night? At her unnerving stare, I shifted my eyes to the floor and fidgeted. "Well, I didn't think you would stay for a week."

Calling for Kate was a big deal for me. I never thought I would need her. Ever since that night years ago, I thought I would be the one protecting her, not the other way around anymore. Guess, I was too cocky. But I hadn't thought Derek and Evan would be joining us the next day. 

"Then, should we leave?" She raised her eyebrows with a threatening look, and her son almost became teary-eyed at the thought of leaving his cool uncle, example: Me.

"No..." I trailed off when I realized this was much better than being alone.

Instantly, both mother and son smiled while she marched forward to attack my hair once again.

"Ah! No, not my hair again!"

"Get back here, you!"

"Daddy, they are fighting again."

"It's okay they still love each other. Let's just drink and watch the show!"


Noon past by as I freshened up, took over the settee before the fireplace, and watched the portrait once again. However, there was not much guilt or sorrow like the last time. All thanks to my sister.

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