INTO THE PAST (is that how you spell it)?

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Prior to the investigation at the cafe. (And Izuku's climactic saving) A certain principal had decided to visit. Seeing as his keen nose could always smell Aizawa's heavily dented clothes. Drenched in the smell of coffee and roses with a hint of lavender and...was that fresh printed paper too??

Oh god. He needed it. The smell was new but pleasant and welcomed and pliant in his nose. It curled around him and danced in front of him tantalizingly. It distracted him from work after Aizawa came to meet with him for matters of class aspects and always seemed to swim in his nose when he was almost done with paperwork.

So in a heap of desire he followed Aizawa back to where the scent had obviously originated from. His stupid god damned nose and unhumanely wants always got the best of him. He didn't hate it though. Otherwise he wouldn't be here, sitting at a table with the greenette in which the scent practically bathed in—ordering off the menu. Jasmine tea and a couple of sugar cookies already written in the small little Gang Orca notepad in the boy's soft hand. The greenette, now dubbed Midoriya, always wore a smile on his pretty pink lips and was almost always happy to take care of his customers. He was talkative, helpful, and always willing to get an edge between messy schedules and help with as much as he could.

When Nezu came in, it was always a type of lukewarm chaos that circled the boys eyes when he looked deep enough into the green orbs. It wasn't too warm or too hot in the cafe and Izuku always seemed to enjoy just being there. Even if it was his own shop. When Nezu wanted to try something new it was nearly impossible for the kid to not stop hyping him up about a good cinnamon and coffee cake with some tea on the side since Nezu was lactose intolerant. The boy tried his best to keep ingredients that where harmful to the rat away from him and always apologized when anything remotely close to what Nezu couldn't have was near him.

Nezu could always get comfortable at the cafe. It felt like a second home.


Shouta Aizawa was a peaceful man. He always did what he could to remain stoic and even if his kids drove him batshit crazy—and hopefully to an early grave—he still remains at the Hero School where he was practically raised. Of course, he went berserk at times, but honestly he thinks it's a given when having to deal with overpowered teens with overpowered emotions. He can't be a fucking counseler and a teacher. And yet here he is, multitasking. Like the good fucking teacher he was.

Fuck he needed a raise.

Walking into the cafe of the familiar greenette the boy simply glanced at him before looking back down at his notepad. Dropping both the writing utensils in his apron pocket and waving off the customer with a smile before walking to the back. Aizawa walked towards the "bar" area. Or as he called it. His favorite stool connected to the back rooms.

Aizawa smirked a little bit. A small quirk upward of his right lip when Izuku dished out a coffee towards him, hot in his hands, always bitter, something crisp on the tongue. Izuku however, continued to work. It was relatively busy for a Monday but he supposed everyone needed an energy boost of some sort. I know to Izuku, the greenette was everyone's energy booster. His green hair bounced in the sunlight that shined through the windows in the front as he bounced back with a chalkboard sign. He grabbed some chalk from the back before sketching out a design and writing "Monday Madness Specialty" on the board. Eventually he tossed the chalk in a small bucket next to the tips bucket which was connected to the cash register. Then walked outside to put the chalkboard back. He tended to a couple of plants outside of the shop before coming back in and going on break for a couple of minutes.

It was a cycle, and Aizawa observed. Along with another stubby toed non human thing. Izuku was productive in his own way and whilst feeding everyone in the store he tended to his daily duties and personal health with care.

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