"Err, would you like an ice cube for your lip Yamada-san?"

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Izuku moves in swift movements as the music filtering throughout the cafe accompanies his hips. He sways them as his apron moves in tandem with the rhythm. Both Bakugou, Aizawa and a couple of others watch him from the back as he smiles brightly, it’s almost hypnotizing how the greenette does things. He’s only ever in the kitchen cooking up once or twice before he immediately makes his presence known with his voice, as soothing as it is. Always wearing a smile for his customers as they turn around in kind and are loyal and respective to him and his cafe. It’s like the boy has no care in the world, as carefree and wonderful as the world could make a soul in the first place. He does his duties and goes along with his life without the worry of falling into a routine, nothing scary about a repetitive life going in circles of good and bad and bad and good. 

It’s always scary to Katsuki though, how could he be carefree when he’s going to be a hero when he grows up? But, Katsuki never gets scared, no he doesn't, he couldn't. Why would he? He’s going to live his life as a hero and no villain rests so neither is he. Even if he’s a little scared, even if he knows Izuku won't be by his side when he goes to U.A., he knows it’ll be worth it in the end, he knows it will show Izuku just how strong he can be for the world.

...Katsuki knows that his naive thinking is getting him nowhere though.


Aizawa sips his coffee as he stares into his phone, Hizashi was running late for the second time that week complaining about how he got caught up in a villain attack with Nemuri or whatever. Really it was none of his concern, he knew Hizashi could handle it.

At first Aizawa doesnt look up, too consumed in his phone to care about the jingles of the door when a customer usually comes in. However it only comes to his attention that the whole place is silent when Izuku starts talking and his voice is what fills up Aizawa’s ears and not the rest of the low mumbling and clinking of plates that usually takes place as background noise. So he looks up, confused as to why the whole cafe had gone dead silent. Only to see more than half the staff behind Hizashi lined up like a bunch of first graders next to the booth where Izuku takes orders and serves. He practically spits out his coffee before doing a double take, swallowing the liquid before he drowns, and then standing up abruptly, his chair scraping the tile. He hears the murmurs from his co-workers as they obviously don't notice him. 

Like, at all. They are literally ignoring him.

Bakugou watches from over his mug of smoking matcha tea, his mochi lined up neatly on a separate plate. He only recognizes half of the population of Musutafa’s hero’s crowding around the greenette as he writes down their orders one by one on his All Might notepad before nodding one of as the others come and he takes their order. It seems Shouta is moving in slow motion, the most menacing look on his face as his fists are balled up, his steps going in low but long strides towards this yellow haired menace, he has half a mind to shave off all the hair Hizashi owns and wear it as a wig. Maybe he could even cosplay Bakugou. 

Hizashi is finishing up his order when Aizawa comes up behind him and drags him out of the cafe into the hot city streets. The absolute satisfaction that rolls over Aizawa’s shoulders is like a weight lifted off of him when Hizashi whines in hopes of Aizawa letting go of his own limb (which Aizawa has in a death grip) but the black haired man doesn't almost grips tighter on Hizashi’s arm. 

“Wait wait- Shouta before you lash out I just want to say that all of them followed me here-”

“Bullshit.” Aizawa manages to scrounge around for some words like a gremlin so he doesnt end up just growling out random frases under his breath like a mad man. It’s bad enough he already looks like a homeless himbo. He doesn't need to add crazy to the extensive list of names he’s been called already.


Izuku is practically head over heels excited to have this many heroes in his small cafe, he’s always dreamed of this day but never thought it would come. He holds his fanboying self back though as he writes down order after order for the Heroes, one even calls him adorable and he almost melts when he realizes it Midnight, or better know as Nemuri Kayama who’s known for her more than revealing bodysuit, after she’d made the statement that less clothes for quirks like hers works like a charm, which Izuku obviously did some research on, he’d scribbled in his notebook for hours on end and he's sure he didn't get any sleep that night. He’d came to school looking like a zombie that day and everyone had clowned him for it. 

He shakes it off when she walks away though and continues writing down what people want and prefer rather than drooling over a grown woman who probably has her shit together way more than he could ever have.  

When he initially gets done with taking orders and writing down extra’s he scrambles back to the kitchen to get started. He does take note of the beginnings of a cat fight starting out in the front of his store but he’s not nearly as worried as he probably should be. A fight between grown men? Nothing he's going to get into.

He takes out more than seven cups and some milk as he sets the tea kettle filled with water over the stove. Matcha is stirred and fruit is cut up. An abundance of cookies are set into the oven to keep warm and he gently places tea bags into the cups. He gently grounds up some coffee beans and filters it with as much precision as he can. He pours the wanted amount of sweetener before getting a small bowl out of a top cabinet and putting small sugar cubes into it, a spoon set under it. The greenette takes out a serving tray and places it on the counter next to the utensils, putting them all on the tray and grabbing the steaming kettle, softly pouring out the hot water into the cups with tea bags. He adds the fruit and takes the cookies out of the oven before spreading them neatly on a recently cleaned plate with soft diligent hands. (Izuku had always been a perfectionist) 

He comes out with the tray balanced on his fingers as he sees everyone conversing near a table, about three pushed together. Bakugou watches as he sips his own fruit smoothie vigorously, eventually he chokes when the straw reaches the back of his throat and he almost dies. Izuku comes towards the table seeing Hizashi in the front with a busted lip and messed up frizzy hair, the total opposite of when he came in. In which it was nice and gelled, combed out and relaxed. He dishes out the drinks and puts the cookies, fruit, and sugar cubes in the middle of the table. 

“Err, would you like an ice cube for your lip Yamada-san?” Izuku asks after he finishes making sure everyones has their own correct drinks. Hizashi nods as he scratches the back of neck nervously. A smile creeps up onto his face as he laughs hesitantly.

“Maybe not the best idea to bring the entirety of the U.A. staff to a small cafe without notifying the grump am I right zuku…” He says, Izuku smiles sympathetically before walking towards the  back rooms, he still has to ask Hizashi about the dog they’re housing for the time being.

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