"No you cant go with me.."

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Aizawa opens his eyes, yawning softly. The first thing he notices is the receding of tiredness in his limbs, the way he seems to be completely rejuvenated despite not getting a full night's sleep, and even then he still felt exhausted after one of those.

The way the joints in his fingers feel easier to move, how opening his eyelids doesn't seem to be such a chore. It's a pleasant surprise as he hums, the low sound reverberating in the back of his throat.

The second thing Aizawa notices is his whole body completely melting into the comfort of the black bean bag, a blanket having been haphazardly thrown over his body as the sun comes to shine through the previously open, now closed, blinds he sits near.

He wills himself to quickly become familiar with his surroundings, pushing his brain out of its half-awake, blissed-out state of mind. He briefly wishes he could stay at this hole-in-the-wall place forever, before realizing he'd fallen asleep in Izuku's cafe pushing a sigh out of his constricting embarrassed lungs.

His body is still jelly though and his limbs are saturated with the comforting warmth that's been coursing through him since he took that first sip of coffee earlier this morning. He can still taste it in the back of his throat.

It rests on his tongue, serving as a reminder that he hasn't brushed his teeth, but also as a shove in the right direction to just how many times he's probably going to come back to this cafe.

Even better that it's small, effectively adding a whole new layer to the aura of comfort that the building practically soaks in.

He briefly skims over the idea of staying here, skipping out on work, and taking a day off for himself before scoffing and hauling himself from the comforting warmth of the bean bag.

Quickly zeroing in on a note replacing the empty coffee mug that was there before he dozed off, he swipes it up. Wiping at his sleep crusted eyes as he looks it over. The handwriting was neat, the false cursive making each word loop back into each other.

'Dear Aizawa, my sincerest apologies for making you uncomfortable this morning' He can practically see the boy scratching his cheek, stewing in his anxiety, Aizawa can't bring himself to blame him, 'I didn't mean to disrupt your peace. Anyways, if you need me, either ring the bell on the counter near the cash register or, if you're comfortable enough, come to the back. You should see a rather bright light coming from around a white wall behind the service counter. If you turn around the wall, you should see a brown door, on the left is the bathroom, but just knock on the door at the end of the hallway if you need anything. I'll probably be awake!' Izuku draws a cute bunny smiling at the end of the note, and near that is a 'P.S. - Please don't pay for the coffee or the cookies, it was all on the house, and if you feel you need to leave, you can go ahead, the door automatically locks from the inside.

- Izuku :9'

Aizawa huffs a soft, breathy laugh at the small smiley face sticking it's tongue out at him near Izukus's name. Quickly tearing a piece of the paper that wasn't marred by Izuku's intricate handwriting, he pockets the rest of the note before grabbing the pen left behind on the far side of the small table, he goes to work writing his little note for the barista.

'Dear Izuku

Your hospitality is greatly appreciated and I feel I will be forever in your debt if I don't pay you back for what I so willingly stuffed my face with. You are, however, in luck, as your wishes will be respected because I only have my card on me and no cash, and I would prefer from waking you up or rousing you from sleep to pay a bill that could just be paid when I come back. And no matter how much the place itself is begging me to stay, I, unfortunately, have to return to my job.

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