"Shush you purple headed prune"

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"So...I have an Idea as to where they took Izuku." Both Hizashi and Bakugou looked at Aizawa as if he was a crazy man. Aizawa scowled.

"Don't give me that look" Hizashis face contorted into one of fake innocence

"What look Shouta?" Aizawa's eyes narrowed as he so wanted to smack the ever loving shit out of Yamada, and in his defense, he hasn't had coffee in three days, he would like to believe that he has the right.

"Don't you dare fuck with me Yamada you know I know that he knows" Aizawa pointed to Bakugou.

"Hey listen hobo man!"

"-Don't call me hobo man!" After a couple of minutes of awkward silence all three of them sighed solemnly.

"Listen Shouta, I think it's best if you go have some coffee instead of stressing over this-"

"They'd have to lead a trail somewhere right? Or maybe they used some type of portal, we could as Tsukauchi to look into those alley way cameras" and just like that Hizashi was cut off.


"I swear to god dabi if you don't-"

"What's wrong Midoriya mad because you can't beat me?"

"No, shush!"

"Hah you totally are!"

"Shush you purple headed prune...HA I WIN!!"

"Dumb Luck"

"You said that the last couple of times I beat you"

"Shut up"


Izuku had just won his tenth game of Mario Kart with Dabi, whilst Tomura quietly raging in the back because he knew he'd never beat them without somehow disintegrating his own Nintendo switch.

"Shigaraki I swear to the gods if you dare disintegrate this Bar for the god damn seventh time this month I will-"

"No cursing!" Izuku hissed. Kurogiri promptly shut his mouth and apologized before going back to rubbing the glass, albeit a bit more harshly than before.

It was definitely a coping mechanism.


Aizawa's phone rang and buzzed within the night, it's not like he was sleeping or anything but he found it annoying that he was being interrupted in the middle of the night.

He picked up his phone  and looked at the contact number.

Tsukauchi Naomasa (Dumb detective)

Aizawa's eyes trailed towards the Decline and Answer button.

What if this news wasn't about Izuku?

What if it was something he didn't want to hear all together?

His hand shifted towards the Decline button hesitant to press it at all.

But then again

It could be something great. It could be news that they had found Izuku and he could stop stressing over the greenette.

Aizawa's hand made its final decision, he answered the phone call.

"Hello?" Naomasa's voice rang out into the mostly empty room, except for a small cat that Aizawa had picked up along the way home it sounded urgent.

"Hello, Naomasa?"

"Ah Aizawa-san there you are, I believe we've tracked down Midoriya"

Silence was heard on Aizawa's end.

"Where is he?"

"Yokohama, Kamino Ward, I believe you've patrolled there before. We're going to be setting out a search party to look around."

"No need, I'm going out"

"A-Aizawa-san I suggest you don-"

Aizawa hung up before calling Hizashi, deciding that the hotheaded Katsuki wouldn't come, it was to dangerous.

Once the line was picked up Aizawa quickly blurted out what he needed to say as he was quickly getting into his hero suit.

More like sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt, his infamous capture gear, and a belt for support gear, and to top it all off everything being black except for the single contrast of the white bandages around his neck but name it how it shall be named.

"Hizashi I need you to get in your car and fucking gas it towards Kamino, Now.

"Aizawa I don't understand why-"

"Now Hizashi"

Now Aizawa wasn't really one to loose his temper....

Okay scratch that he was.

Infuriated, Pissed off, Angry, More than angry, name it and he'll be it. But right now he was more than any of those, words couldn't describe what had come over him.

The relief of finally finding Izuku?

Or the Infuriation that came with the relief that the police didn't find Izuku sooner, cause god dammit if they didn't find him Aizawa was surely going to.

He walked out of his door, not bothering to lock it as he hung up on Hizashis consistent ramblings.

Jumping from roof to roof the still wind blew through his air, his mind raced with what could've happened or what already happened, the worst popped up into his head and he winced as his stomach twisted and turned writhing in his body.

He took a deep breathe of fresh air as he finally jumped down from a building and into the busy bodied citizens of Kamino ward. You really wouldn't expect the League of Villains to hide in a place such as this but then again, it was filled with people of all types, including Pro-Heroes.

He walked around, his back hunched as he tried to sink into the crowd.

Aizawa had absolutely no idea where he was going, Kamino Ward is such a busy bodied place, people easily walk over each other, an uncomfortable sweaty mob of people trying to get to unknown places is how Aizawa would have worded it.

But right now he was one of those busy bodied people, his gut was seemingly telling him where to go as his feet took twists and turns around corners and alleys.

When he turned into the final Alley, he noticed a small run down bar on the left. Aizawa cautiously walked up to the door, observing it, until it opened and a scratchy voice was heard.

"Fuck you guys and your fancy ass strategies, Im going to the grocery store, Izuku want anything?"

"Nuh uh, I got the perfect strawberry milk right here, Kuro-nii makes the best!"

"How in the world did I become your brother"

"Just go with it!"

Aizawa's eyes widened, this was it, he had finally found Izuku, after three long agonizing days he'd finally found Izuku.

He quietly rejoiced, not for long though.

1026 words, I bet y'all though i wasn't going to make a chapter!

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