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When Izuku wakes up he finds himself in a shabby little apartment.

'What the crap-' his mind is cut off by a loud meow, he looks around and spots a small brown cat trying its best to get onto the bed. He scratches his now even more unruly green hair as he sighs.

What exactly happened?

He stares at the cat as his mind races.

'I remember being at a dingy bar with Shigaraki-kun, Toga-Kun and Dabi-Kun, But Aizawa-kun was there, why was Aizawa-kun there?' The cat falls. Izuku snorts. He's slightly frustrated about  not knowing where he is or what's going on is scary and frustrating at the same time. He supposes the cat falling off the bed with a thump was funny and pulled him out of his worries a bit faster than a hug would.

But then Izuku started to worry about the cat which put him five feet under with his worries too, 'Was the cat alright? Was it hurt? I should've never laughed' So sitting on a bed sulking and emotions all tied and twisted up, is a usually calm and collected boy who runs a cafe and bakes amazing cookies, silently freaking out about where he is, why he's here, and if the cat who's currently on the floor, is okay.

The door opens, a soft screeching sound coming from it, and in comes one of his regulars.

"Hizashi-sama! God does it feel good to see a familiar face!!" Izuku jumps on Hizashi as he stumbles back, laughing a bit as he pats the green headed boy on the back. "Good to see you too little listener!!" He states. Soon enough Izuku jumps out of the yellow haired man's arms and looks towards the door.

"Where does that lead to?" He says pointedly, to this Hizashi scratches his cheek and laughs nervously.

"The living room- Say are you hungry cause I can whip us up some fries and sandwiches if you'd like!" Hizashi looks hesitant as he wrings his hands and smiles anxiously, his eyes averting Izuku's, he looks like he just got caught lying, which he did if the half lidded glare Izuku is giving him isn't any part of Izuku definitely not seeing straight through his half ass lie. "What's behind there Hizashi.." Yamada's smile drops as he rubs a hand up and down his face. "We've been trying to keep uh..him, locked up" Izuku looks at the door again, then looks back at Hizashi, repeats, and Hizashi doesn't even get a chance to say anything before Izuku starts walking towards the door, a mischievous look on his face.

"WAIt Izu nO-" But it's too late because Izuku's already opened the door and a huge ass dog has bodied Izuku. It's shaggy and gray and it's fur is as kinky as Izukus. He's gray with a fading almost purplish-gray color and he pays attention to no one but Izuku. Even as Yamada hesitantly strides up to Izuku. The boy is downed and laughing his ass off, taking deep breaths as the dog is literally trying to be careful while on the boy. Hizashi is seemingly betrayed as the dog growls at him. And what in the ever loving fuck because it seems as though Izuku's undeniable charm even works on animals. Yamada's given up on any type of logic that has anything to do with Izuku because Izuku doesn't fuck with logic and logic doesn't fuck with Izuku and that is why this very thing is happening in front of his eyes, that's why.

A/N:i vaguely realize that i could've made it to 600 words... anyways, i hitcha with an update!

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