💀Shall I kill him? 💀

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💀Light POV 💀

I was upset with the entire situation. I was mad that Mastuda was getting close to (y/n). I was jealous that she didn't even notice me because she was focused on him. But most of all I was upset with myself.

I should've been there for her. I feel like I'm never there when she needs me, but she's  always there for me. I never get to repay her. I desperately want to.

On my walk home I cooled off a bit. I had a lot to think about. Ryuk's  gonna love this. I have quite the story for him, I bet he'll  wish he came.

💀Your POV 💀

Mastuda left shortly after Light. I felt a little lonely. I wish light would've stayed longer. I missed him.

"Sigh... I hope I get out of here soon."

💀Light POV 💀

I told Ryuk what happened, and he of course got a laugh out of it. I slightly felt guilty for leaving (y/n). Especially after rushing over there. I'd  be lying if I said I don't want to go see her but I don't want  Mastuda  to be there.

Right. Matsuda... that's a problem.
I can't have him getting close to (y/n). But I cant just kill him either. That will add suspicions. But I guess... if he can make (y/n) laugh that much and forget about her pain, he's  not that bad.

He still needs to back off though. He's  too close for comfort. I'll  have to find a way to get him to keep his distance.

To give my head a break, I decided to write names in my deathnote. 

"So, are you going to kill him?" Ryuk's  voice echoed in my head.

"I want to... but I can't  just yet. Once we kill L along with Rem and I become the god of the new world, I'll  be sure to get rid of him. " I grinned. 

"I can't wait." I started to laugh uncontrollably again. 

💀Time skip 💀

After calming down for awhile I decided that I'll  go see (y/n). I wore a warm jacket, gave Ryuk  plenty of apples and left.

I was hoping not to see Matsuda. I would be mad if he was still there, it's already late at night. I purposely chose this time so he wouldn't be there.

I stopped at the corner store and bought (y/n) her  favorite snack to cheer her up a little and to apologize for leaving so early.

When I got there, the nurses remembered me from earlier and let me in right away.

I knocked gently on (y/n)'s door.

"Come in." Her sweet voice called.

I opened the door slowly.

"Hey, I'm back."

Her face immediately brightened. It was dark in her room. The only light  came from the tv and the moon. She looked pretty in this lighting.

I sat by her side and gave her a warm smile.

"Sorry for leaving so soon earlier, I brought you some ( snack you chose earlier)."

"Its okay, thanks."

She quickly took the bag from me.

"This hospital food is gross! Its like they're  tryna kill me!"

I laughed as she munched.

"What are you watching?" I gestured toward the tv.

"Oh I don't  know, I wasn't really paying attention. There aren't any good shows on."

"I see..."

I wanted to ask if she knew who did this to her but I wasn't sure if that was too sensitive.

"What is it?" She asked.


"You obviously want to say something,   spit it out!"

I sighed. "You can read me too well."

She giggled.

"Do you know who shot you?"
I asked in a serious tone.

She blinked, clearly surprised by my question.  With a sigh she spoke up, "It was one of your little fan girls." 

That answer only made me feel even worse about the situation. But also angry, who the hell would go that far? What is she, a yandere? 

"Were you able to see who it was exactly?" my  voice sounded more like a growl. 

"I remember her face but I can't put a name to it." 

"I see... that's okay. Can you tell me what she looked like?" I asked patiently. 

"She was a blond, with blue-ish brown eyes, and she had her hair in a weird style. Like she had a pigtail on each side of her head and the rest of her hair was down." 

After hearing (y/n)'s discription I knew exactly who it was. I was itching to leave and "deal with" the girl but I wanted to spend time with (y/n). I sighed and told myself that I'd deal with it later. 

"Thank you for telling me, I'll be sure to take care of things." 

I was surprised when (y/n) started... laughing historically? 

"I know what you're planning, and I don't mind at all. But if you're going  to "take care" of her... make sure it's long and painful. I want that bitch to suffer." 

I was taken aback, it wasn't often I saw this side of my girlfriend. She wasn't her normal nice and innocent self, she had a evil smirk on her face. I loved this side of her. It was hot. 

"I understand, I will." 

Finishing her snack, she mumbled,"okay good." 

💀I hope this looks right, I did this one on my computer so I'm not sure how it'll look on my phone yet... 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now