💀Shut the hell up 💀

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💀Your POV about a week later Saturday 💀

I still haven't reached out to Light and I didn't really plan to. I was getting used to spending everyday with Rem and I enjoyed it. Rem was  fun to be around and we were always laughing together. 

It's not that I don't want to patch things up with Light or anything it's just... I'm not sure how to. I miss him and his sweet smile. His warm embrace and his scratchy-sleepy voice.

I wish I hadn't said the things I did. I can somewhat understand his side of the argument even though I don't agree. 

I was pulled away from my thoughts when my phone went off. 

It was a notification telling me that my phone storage was full...again.  

I frowned at my lock screen, it showed a photo of Light and me. He had his arm around my shoulder as he kissed my cheek. He had a matching picture on his own device, but it was of me kissing him. 

I felt a warm liquid slide down my cheek as I zoned out, looking into the photo. It was only when my phone screen went black that I came back to reality. 

"I miss Light.." I sighed, wiping the tear off my face.

"Bored of me already?" Rem asked. 

"Ugh don't say things like that, you sound like him." 

Rem frowned and turned to the kitchen. 

"How about we eat snacks and binge one of your shows?" 

"I appreciate the offer but I can't keep avoiding my problems, Rem." 

"I understand." 

After thinking for awhile, I decided to talk to Light sometime at school, if I run into him. I won't go looking for him but it's almost guaranteed that we'll cross paths.   Once I had everything planned out, I watched movies with Rem. I enjoyed my weekend and ignored the events that awaited me on Monday. 

💀 Light POV 💀 

"Don't you think it's about time you and Y/n make up?" Ryuk asked as he reached for yet another apple. 

"Yeah but I'm not going to approach her." 

"Why not? You miss her don't you?" 

"Of course I do, but I don't feel I'm the one that should apologize. If Y/n cared about how I felt, she wouldn't bring Rem everywhere. I've put things aside to make things work, including you, it's her turn." 

"Haha you sound pretty stubborn right about now." 

"Call it what you want." 

I sat at my desk and wrote notes to pass time and before I knew it, the weekend was over. 

I walked my way to the college with my hands in my pockets and Ryuk following behind me. I figured sense I don't have a girlfriend to give my attention, I might as well bring Ryuk. He'll keep me company. Well, him and a thousand girls circling around me. 

I hated having so much attention. I understand girls like me, but they should have boundaries. I think they're way too touchy. They continuously rub on my chest and face. I don't why they think I like it. I would tell them to back off but last time I did, I ended up killing one. 

I sighed at the sight of a stampede of girls rushing my way.  I wonder what disturbing things they'll say today. Everyday I hear several different attempts at pick up lines. Some aren't even pick up lines, there simply, "Lets go out." or "I know how to show you a good time." 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now