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My fingers made quick work undoing the frigid buttons on Gray's jacket as our ragged breaths mixed with the sparks prickling my exposed skin. I shoved the heavy woolen material down his arms to reveal a silky sweater draped over sinewy muscles.

Gray's eyes were zeroed on mine, begging me to trust him. No, to trust us.

Holding my stare he kept our foreheads pressed together as he rested my back against the cold wall of Rebecca's front hallway. 

My lips parted in a gasp and his tongue slipped inside to stroke the roof of my mouth, then he swirled deeper and deeper.

He tasted incredible, like the lovestruck embrace of a doomed man.

Gray's sensual tongue wound coaxingly around mine, tasting, tempting, teasing until arousal overtook my every instinct. The ache between my legs had spread to my stomach, my breasts, my arms, everywhere.

I grasped at the whisper-soft fibers of his sweater, desperate to pull us closer, and squeezed my legs around his taut waist. 

His fingers ran the length of my shoulders, snaking up the nape of my neck to tangle in my hair and loosen my waves from their bun. With a gentle tug, he got my attention, tipping my head back to make sure I watched as he claimed my mouth fully.

The torrent of sexualized excitement from the powerful sweeps of his tongue was enough to knock me to my knees. I could feel myself go limp as his arms tightened around me.

He needed me to know that he was there. That he was holding me safe.

He moved urgently, and yet, every kiss, and every sigh, was tender, almost reverential as he explored.

And he was everywhere.

His lips trailed feather-light kisses to match the cool tingle of his breath on my blazing skin. Gooseflesh erupted when he found the super-sensitive area just underneath my collarbone.

I arched into him to give Gray better access and moaned as my nipples grazed the rigid muscles in his chest.

Slowly, deliberately, Gray rocked his hips. The impressive mound of his erection moved from my crotch to my stomach. His girth was almost heavy through the stitched indigo of his jeans.

Hot moisture pooled in my groin, so, I figured I'd show him what he did to me.

I reached up to detangle Gray's hand from the back of my hair and slipped it between us. Sucking his bottom lip between my teeth for a playful nibble, I guided his manly fingers to my sex.

His eyes widened in surprise, then drooped into lust-soaked marvel when he felt the slick coating my pussy.   

I don't know what I expected him to do, but Gray wasn't about to ask for permission after being shown the keys to the kingdom. He pushed aside my soaking thong and pressed an instant finger against my already swollen clit to swirl it around.

A hiss, sharp and insistent, escaped my lips as I tilted my head back to appreciate the dazzling waves of electricity shooting through my nerves. My hips clenched with a pleasurable shiver that rolled through me like a groundswell.

"You like that? Don't you?" Gray whispered directly into my ear, teasing the fine hairs to send a second shiver rippling through me. I could feel his lips stretch into a grin against my neck as I shuddered. "Yes, you do, baby, you do."

I clutched his collar and rubbed my pelvis against the head of his erection to make him gasp as his finger tightened reflexively inside my sex.

His wicked smile grew as he pressed one, then two digits inside me. Our mouths crashed in an all-consuming kiss that absorbed our involuntary sounds.

🥊 Hate or Fate 💕 {Enemies to Lovers}Where stories live. Discover now