Chapter 58

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Hello my lovelies, sorry about the delay in chapters.

If you didn't see my announcement earlier, my cat was hospitalized so that's why I've been slacking on updates. Thankfully I already have a doc with the story outline created for this story so I just have to write out the chapters.

That means the ending of this novel is already fixed 👀. Heehee, I'm lowkey excited but sad that it's ending soon :((.

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe.

Ajax's POV

"Come on, you can be faster than that," Mila taunted, running backwards ahead of me.

"Shut up. You know I don't run regularly," I grumbled, pushing myself a little faster.

Both of us had decided to go out on a morning run. Mila claimed it helped with nerves and that the route she always ran was "beautiful."

Running = torture.

I never understood how she ran cross country in high school, for fun.

Who runs for fun?

If I'm not being chased by a serial killer, why run?

Yet here I am, running almost 3 miles and trying to keep up with Mila.

"How much farther?" I groaned, slowing down more.

"You're such a baby," she teased and I glared at her.

"If you're trying to bruise my ego so I run faster, it's not working," I deadpanned and she sighed.

"Look, there's the CN Tower. It's about 5 minutes from the hotel," she said.

"Can we walk?" I asked, leaning my weight on her.

"Fine you weakling," she sighed.

We started walking and I thanked the lord. Only she walked really fast.

"Jesus woman, I said walk not run like the ground is falling away behind you," I exclaimed, hurrying after her.

We were both sweaty and cold by the time we got back to the hotel. Adam was just waking up when I got into the room.

"I'm surprised I didn't have to smack you with a pillow," he remarked when I came in through the door.

"Hey, I can wake up early if I have to," I defended.

"Sure. Now hurry up and shower," he dismissed.

About 45 minutes later, Adam and I were ready.

"I'll be downstairs checking in," Adam said as I knocked on Mila's door.

"Milaaaa! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!"

I heard her footsteps come up to the door before it swung open.

"This stupid hair curler won't curl my hair," she grumbled, holding a metal stick in her hand.

"Oh," I mumbled, following her into the room.

She stood in front of the mirror, struggling to wrap the pieces of hair from behind her head around the pole.

"Do you need help?" I asked curiously, watching her bend her arm at a really odd angle.

"As long as you don't fry my hair off," she said, handing me the curler.

"This is hot right?'' I asked, hesitantly taking the device.

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