Chapter 7: Let the truth sting

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Miguel: ITS YOU?!

Zahra: Surprise Miguel, Happy birthday cunt.

Zahra drops the mask and throws it on Miguel's bed. She forces a smile.

Miguel: But I don't understand. Why the fuck would you do all of this shit?

Zahra: Oh be quiet, you know why. I wanted my revenge for this long and Im finally here to claim it. Your friends and mines were in the way, so I had to kill them to make you suffer. I needed to release all of my anger.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Miguel: Wow your crazy. why are you wasting your time to get revenge on me. What the hell did I even do to you?!

Zahra: Listen! I'm so tired of peoples bullshit, you killed him. You ruined my life that I had to go through after losing him.  You pissed me off. I couldn't take it anymore. I don't care how nice you are! You deserve to be suffered, especially in prison

Miguel: Who's Him?! And prison?! Your not making sense right now.

Zahra: Jankarlos was my cousin. That's him, yeah you killed him! That's why I had to kill you're cousin Juan.

Zahra waves the knife in front of Miguel's face.

Miguel: You... killed Juan? Go to fucking hell you psychotic whore.

Zahra: Wow your 21 and your using big words now. How cute. You look like you're gonna cry, aw. I don't have a tissue sorry.

Miguel punches zahra. She almost falls but she makes a fist and uncontrollably laughs.

Zahra: oh you just made a big mistake. I'm gutting you so hard— actually you know what! It doesn't matter. My plan is gonna be successful.

Miguel: really? Oh. HELP ROLDAN, NAG—

Zahra quickly punches Miguel, tapes his mouth and ties him up. Zahra puts Daniels' blood on Miguel.  Zahra rips the tape off of Miguel's mouth and puts the mask on him and unlocks the door and unties Miguel as he starts to scream again for help. Roldan and Nagelys come in and sees what's going on. They see him covered in blood and they get into full shock. Zahra starts to fake her crying as she tells them Miguel killed Daniel and tried to kill her. Zahra explains she was in Miguel's room making out with Daniel. Miguel tried to stop and explain his side of the story that he isn't the killer but nagely and roldan want to believe him but with Zahras good acting, and blood everywhere, they don't buy it. Roldan tells Miguel he's sorry so he called the cops on him while nagelys cries looking away. Miguel was very frustrated, yet he was trying to not cry at the same time. His eyes start to tear up. Roldan makes sure Miguel doesn't leave the room.

Miguel: You guys are making a mistake! You all are gonna regret it, so help me!

Police arrive and handcuffs Miguel as Zahra stares at him, smiling.

Policeman: Tell that to the judge psycho

All the cops leave the room and building. Miguel gets pushed into the cop car. They stay in the area for a little while since Juan's body is still hanging, trying to help and calming everyone down as nagely watches everything from the window.

Nagely: I can't believe he actually did this. Something is not right. Why would he do this?

Roldan: No I knew it all along, he did this shit because he said his mental health was horrible. And since he went through losing his friends back in high school, he released all of his anger on us.

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